0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

ngrx-generate v0.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


A command line interface to generate your base ngrx files


From the root of your project, run

ngrx-generate [type] [name]

type is 1 or all of 'actions', 'reducers', 'effects', 'service' or 'all'. Using 'all' is shorthand for the rest, or you can pick and choose the files you wish to generate.

name is the name of the item you will generate.

Example commands:

ngrx-generate all session

You can edit configuration options in your project's package.json

    "ngrx-generate": {
    	"groupByName": true,
        "rootStore": "src/app/store"
groupByName: groups your files by name instead of type. Example folder output:
	- store
		-  session
			- session.actions.ts
			- session.effects.ts
			- session.reducers.ts
			- session.service.ts  

rootStore: The directory of your root store. If none is specified, files will go in your app root by default.