0.0.7 • Published 8 years ago

ngscrollto v0.0.7

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Last release
8 years ago


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Simple AngularJS scroll-to directive

fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/8Mtxc/230/

<div ng-app="myApp">
   <a scroll-to="section1">Goto Section 1</a>
 <div style="padding-top:1000px">...</div>
 <div id="section1">
  <a scroll-to="">Back to Top</a>

##Usage ###Default

angular.module("myApp", ["ngScrollTo"]);

###Custom action Example: http://jsfiddle.net/8Mtxc/231/

angular.module("myApp", ["ngScrollTo"])
.config(function(ngScrollToOptionsProvider) {
        handler: function(el) {

Update 0.0.7

  • Increase browser compatibility

Update 0.0.6

  • Remove jQuery dependency
  • Unbind element on directive destroy

Update 0.0.5

  • Added ngScrollToOptions provider.
  • Made scrollIntoView to be replaceable by a custom function.

Update 0.0.4

  • Added ScrollTo service for programatically scrolling.

Update 0.0.3

  • Added optional offset attribute. The optional offset attribute allows scrolling an element into view and offset it by a specified number of pixels.

Update 0.0.2

  • Made scrolling-to-top gets detected before searching for the target DOM element. (This change makes broken scroll-to link to be ignored instead of scrolling to top)
  • Removed unnecessary $parse dependency.