0.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

ngx-flexboxgrid v0.0.5

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Last release
6 years ago


An Angular(v6+) wrapper for flexboxgrid by @dam because why not!

Have you noticed that working with CSS column grids can get really verbose real quickly? Nobody likes super poluted templates where you can't even tell how many classes an HTML tag has.

ngx-flexboxgrid to the rescue!!!

ngx-flexboxgrid lets you create 12-column grid layouts with a really concise API so your templates feel clean and more readable. You have to get it first so, let's go to the installation.


To use ngx-flexboxgrid in your project you need to install flexboxgrid and ngx-flexboxgrid via npm:

$ npm install --save flexboxgrid ngx-flexboxgrid

Once you've installed both packages, you need to import flexboxgrid.css into you project. If you're using the Angular CLI you can add flexboxgrid.css in angular.json under the styles property:

  // ...
  "projects": {
    "yourprojectname": {
      // ...
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          // ...
          "options": {
            // ...
            "styles": [
              "src/styles.css", // your default styles

Once you're done with that, import NgxFlexboxgridModule into you AppModule and you're good to go:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { NgxFlexboxgridModule } from 'ngx-flexboxgrid';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  imports: [ BrowserModule, NgxFlexboxgridModule ],
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule {}


ngx-flexboxgrid has three (3) main components: NgxFlexboxgridComponent, NgxFlexboxgridRowComponent and NgxFlexboxgridColumnComponent. All of these components have both element selectors and attribute selectors, in case you want to apply them standalone or on top of another component.

  selector: 'fg-grid, [fgGrid]',
  // ...
export class NgxFlexboxgridComponent { /* ... */}

  selector: 'fg-row, [fgRow]',
  // ...
export class NgxFlexboxgridRowComponent { /* ... */}

  selector: 'fg-col, [fgCol]',
  // ...
export class NgxFlexboxgridColumnComponent { /* ... */}

So you usually would wrap columns in rows, and rows into a container. This is the basic shape of a ngx-flexboxgrid column grid:

    <fg-col cols="6,3,4,2">Column 1</fg-col>
    <fg-col cols="6,3,4,2">Column 2</fg-col>
    <fg-col cols="6,3,4,2">Column 3</fg-col>

We'll discuss the API for each component right now. Let's start with fg-col.


<fg-col> takes a single input cols, which expects a string of one (1) to four (4) comma separated values:

  selector: 'custom-component',
  template: `
        <fg-col cols="6,3,4,2">Column 1</fg-col>
        <fg-col [cols]="'6,3,4,2'">Column 2</fg-col>
        <fg-col [cols]="cols">Column 3</fg-col>
export class CustomComponent {
  cols: string = '6,3,4,2';

Each value in the string passed to cols maps to one of the four (4) breakpoints available for media queries (xs, sm, md and lg) in flexboxgrid, and they basically describe the width of the column for that breakpoint. So our input cols="6,3,4,2" will be reduced into a single string:

Values in `cols`

Mapped through each breakpoint

Will be reduced into the following string
"col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-4 col-lg-2"

And that value will be binded to the class property on the root fg-col element:

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-col class="col-xs-6 col-sm-3 col-md-4 col-lg-2">Column 1</fg-col>

You can pass values from 1 to 12 for each breakpoint.

Skipping values

If you want to skip a column for a given breakpoint, you can pass the * token and that breakpoint will be ignored. For instance, if you only need a col-sm-4 and col-lg-3 (notice we're skipping the xs and md breakpoints) your cols input should look like this:

<fg-col cols="*,4,*,3">Column 1</fg-col>

Which wil translate into:

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-col class="col-sm-4 col-lg-3">Column 1</fg-col>

With our new knowledge of skipping columns, lets say we only need a column for the xs breakpoint, that means we would have to skip the sm, md and lg breakpoints with the * token (or maybe not):

<!-- This two declarations will output the same HTML -->
<fg-col cols="6,*,*,*">Column 1</fg-col>
<fg-col cols="6">Column 2</fg-col>

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-col class="col-xs-6">Column 1</fg-col>
<fg-col class="col-xs-6">Column 2</fg-col>

Although both declarations output the same HTML, the second one is cheaper since we don't actually have to check the values for any of the breakpoints but xs. So, as a rule of thumb, only declare the columns you actually need.

Auto width columns

flexboxgrid also provides support for auto sizing columns, which means the column will take as much space as possible depending on its siblings and/or available remaining space. If you want auto sizing on a column, just pass the auto token to the specific breakpoint:

<!-- Using `auto` in the `xs` and `lg` breakpoints -->
<fg-col cols="auto,4,3,auto">Column 1</fg-col>

<!-- Angular will output (notice there's no number in the `xs` and `lg` css classes) -->
<fg-col class="col-xs col-sm-4 col-md col-lg">Column 1</fg-col>

That will make the column to have auto width for the xs and lg breakpoints.


In order to offset a column, you have to pass the offset and width values separated with a - to the specific breakpoint instead of only the column width. So if you want a regular xs column of width 9 and offset 3:

<!-- Using offset 3 and width 9 in the `xs` breakpoint and width 12 in `sm` breakpoint -->
<fg-col cols="3-9, 12">Column 1</fg-col>

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-col class="col-xs-offset-3 col-xs-9 col-sm-12">Column 1</fg-col>

And that pretty much covers the basics of the syntax for the cols input.


The API for NgxFlexboxgridRowComponent follows the same conventions as NgxFlexboxgridColumnComponent. Lets discuss what are the capabilities of a row in flexboxgrid to begin with.

A fg-row is in charge of grouping a set of columns and describing three major fields of how columns will be distributed in the layout:

  • Horizontal alignment (justify-ing)
  • Vertical alignment
  • Space distribution between columns

For implementing these capabilities, we provide three inputs for fg-row:


To align content horizontally in ngx-flexboxgrid you want to pass a string of one (1) to four (4) comma separated values to fgJustify, each value mapping to a specific breakpoint just like with fg-col:

<!-- Valid options are `start`, `center` and `end` -->
<fg-row stJustify="start,*,center,end">
   <!-- some columns here -->

<!-- Angular will output-->
<fg-row class="row start-xs center-md end-lg">
    <!-- some columns here -->

Notice how we skipped the sm breakpoint using the * token.


Same rules apply to aligning content vertically. For this we use fgAlign input:

<!-- Valid options are `top`, `middle` and `bottom` -->
<fg-row stAlign="top,*,middle,bottom">
   <!-- some columns here -->

<!-- Angular will output-->
<fg-row class="row top-xs middle-md bottom-lg">
    <!-- some columns here -->

Notice how we skipped the sm breakpoint using the * token.


For distribuiting whitespace within your columns, use fgSpacing input:

<!-- Valid options are `around` and `betweem` -->
<fg-row stAlign="around,*,*,between">
   <!-- some columns here -->

<!-- Angular will output-->
<fg-row class="row around-xs between-lg">
    <!-- some columns here -->

Notice how we skipped both sm and md breakpoints using the * token.

fgReverse (NgxFlexboxgridRowReverseDirective)

Reverse the direction of your row using fgReverse:

<!-- Use fgReverse -->
<fg-row fgReverse>
   <!-- some columns here -->

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-row class="row reverse">
    <!-- some columns here -->

I might change fgReverse to be an input for next minor release of the package


Last but not least, we need to contain our fg-rows in a container, and that's what fg-grid does:

<!-- Wrap it in a grid container -->
    <!-- Some columns -->
  <!-- ... More rows -->

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-grid class="container">
  <fg-row class="row">
    <!-- Some columns -->
  <!-- ... More rows -->

Or even make it fluid:

<!-- Wrap it in a fluid container -->
<fg-grid fgFluid>
    <!-- Some columns -->
  <!-- ... More rows -->

<!-- Angular will output -->
<fg-grid class="container-fluid">
  <fg-row class="row">
    <!-- Some columns -->
  <!-- ... More rows -->

I might change fgFluid to be an input for next minor release of the package


  • Improve stackblitz demo
  • Add tests
  • Add validation for unexpected values passed to rows and columns
  • Add support for reordering columns with .first- and .last- (might use a directive or bind order to style for larger support)


Try it on stackblitz.


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago