1.0.0-a • Published 1 year ago

ngx-http-notifier v1.0.0-a

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1 year ago


Library for handeling Http reponse .

Project Goals:

  1. configurable Notification messages per(uri, method, status) can use server response each notification has 4 basic Severity levels - info - success - warning - error

    use `assets/config/http-notification-config.json` file to configure notification messages
    no need to redeploy if you want to change some message.
  2. Plugable Toastr providers if any advanced Toastr exists it can be used and also can be configured

  3. UI consistency if you are using ui libraries like prime - boot strap- material that has their own toastr just just provide ToastrService implementation that uses the toolkit toastr.

  4. for i18n just provide Toastr that implements NotifierToastr interface that has translation cabability

  5. Has Default Impel(provider) its not good and not recommended its alert alret(). just use your favorite toastr library or what matches UI library you use ex angular material, primeng


source on github


  1. Getting started
  2. Use Case generate notification with ngx-toastr

Getting Started

first create assets/config/http-notification-config.json file make sure of correct path and file name add some configurations its an object with property config witch is a list of endpoint configs

    "config": [

      "url": "",
      "method": "",
      "messages": [
          "message": "success",
          "status": 200,
          "severity": "success",
          "useResponseBody": true


the above configuration matches any method any url with status 200

for the default impl add the module to your app imports its ugly not recommended NgHttpNotifierModule.forRoot()

Use ngx-toastr for notification

install ngx-toastr and its dependencies

create new module called app-notifier.module.ts it will provide toastr service and configurations

  declarations: [],
  imports: [
      timeOut: 10000,
      positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right',
      preventDuplicates: true,
export class AppNotifierModule {}

create toaster provider which extends ToastrService from "ng-http-notifier"

import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
import { ToastrService } from "ng-http-notifier";
import { ToastrService as NgXToasterService}  from 'ngx-toastr';

export class NgxToastrProviderService extends ToastrService{

    constructor(private ngXToasterService: NgXToasterService){

    override info(message: string, options?: any): void {
    override success(message: string, options?: any): void {
    override warning(message: string, options: any): void {
    override error(message: string, options?: any): void {


configure NgHttpNotifierModule to use NgxToastrProviderService

  declarations: [],
  imports: [
      timeOut: 10000,
      positionClass: 'toast-bottom-right',
      preventDuplicates: true,
    NgHttpNotifierModule.forRoot(NgxToastrProviderService), // confiured toastr provider
export class AppNotifierModule {}

now you provide any impelmentation not just ngx-toastr use the same way to enhance the functionality example translation just configure the module with provider that has translation capabilities.


http-notification-config.json will be loaded as an instance of HttpNotificationConfig and this is the JSON configuration file structure.

interface HttpNotificationConfig{
    config: EndpointNotificationConfig[];

interface EndpointNotificationConfig{
    method: string;
    url: string;
    messages: NotificationMessageConfig[];

interface NotificationMessageConfig{
    status: string; // http status codes
    message: string;
    useResponseBody?: boolean; // to use return body of server response
    severity: 'info'|'success'|'warrning'|'error';
    options?: {[x:string]: any} 

abstract class ToastrService{
    abstract info(message: string , options?:any):void;
    abstract success(message: string , options?:any):void;
    abstract warning(message: string , options:any):void;
    abstract error(message: string , options?:any):void;

// default provider 
export class AlertToastrProvider extends ToastrService{

    override info(message: string, options?: any): void {
    override success(message: string, options?: any): void {
    override warning(message: string, options: any): void {
    override error(message: string, options?: any): void {

    private showAlert(message: string):void{
        console.log("showAlert", message);