0.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

ngx-http-request-cache v0.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago


Configurable caching of HTTP requests in Angular.

npm version

Table of contents


For a demo, download the repository, install NPM packages, then run the following commands:

npm run start:api
npm run watch:lib
npm start

The first command will start a fake API that is used to make HTTP calls to, the second will compile ngx-http-request-cache, the third command will open a demo site that shows this working.


Install ngx-http-request-cache via NPM, using the command below.


npm install --save ngx-http-request-cache

Getting started

Import the NgxHttpRequestModule in your root application module:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxHttpRequestModule } from 'ngx-http-request-cache';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

You can either pass a personalised config into forRoot or leave the method call empty to use the defaults. Options listed below.


behaviorNgxHttpRequestBehavior[NgxHttpRequestBehavior.None, NgxHttpRequestBehavior.All, NgxHttpRequestBehavior.PageLevel]NgxHttpRequestBehavior.NoneUsed to define the behavior that all HTTP requests should be sent with.
localStoragebooleanfalseWhether or not to store the cached results in localStorage. If this is set then the results will only be stored until the application is reloaded, or the page is refreshed depending on the type of behavior chosen (see below).
methodsNgxHttpRequestMethod[][NgxHttpRequestMethod.Delete, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Get, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Head, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Jsonp, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Options, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Patch, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Post, NgxHttpRequestMethod.Put][NgxHttpRequestMethod.Get]The HTTP request types that should have hte default behavior applied to them.


  1. None - This means that no requests will be cached
  2. All - This means that all requests will be cached
  3. PageLevel - This means that all requests will be cached until the URL changes.


You can also customise the behavior per request.


let headers = new HttpHeaders();

// Change the behavior for this request specifically
// Can choose from any of the available behaviors
headers = headers.append(NgxHttpRequestHeaders.Cache, NgxHttpRequestBehavior);

// State that the result for this particular should be stored in local storage
headers = headers.append(NgxHttpRequestHeaders.LocalStorage, 'true');

// If this header is provided then this means that any existing cached value will be replaced
headers = headers.append(NgxHttpRequestHeaders.Replace, '');

this.http.get<any[]>('http://localhost:3000/users', { headers: headers });



  1. Add timed caching
  2. If cache exists for a lower/higher level make it configurable to use it.