16.0.0 • Published 11 months ago

ngx-mat-carousel v16.0.0

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Last release
11 months ago

Material Carousel

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This is a carousel component for Angular using Material Design. See live demo.

History and current status

This is a fork and prolongation of the discontinued @ngmodule/material-carousel by Gabriel Sanches.

The current development goal is to keep the package secure and compatible with the most recent Angular version.

PR's are welcomed; including bugfixes, upgrades and enhancements.


npm install --save ng-mat-carousel


import { MatCarouselModule } from 'ng-mat-carousel';

  // ...
  imports: [
    // ...
    // ...
export class AppModule {}



import { MatCarousel, MatCarouselComponent } from 'ng-mat-carousel';


InputTypeDescriptionDefault value
timingsstringTimings for slide animation.'250ms ease-in'
autoplaybooleanEnable automatic sliding.true
intervalnumberAutoplay's interval in milliseconds.5000
loopbooleanEnable loop through arrows.true
hideArrowsbooleanHide navigation arrows.false
hideIndicatorsbooleanHide navigation indicators.false
colorThemePaletteColor palette from Material.'accent'
maxWidthstringMaximum width.'auto'
maintainAspectRatiobooleanIf true, use proportion to determine height, else slideHeight is used.true
proportionnumberHeight proportion compared to width.25
slideHeightstringExplicit slide height. Used when maintainAspectRatio is false.'100%'
slidesnumberMaximum amount of displayed slides.
useKeyboardbooleanEnable keyboard navigation.true
useMouseWheelbooleanEnable navigation through mouse wheeling.false
orientationOrientationOrientation of the sliding panel.'ltr'
svgIconOverridesSvgIconOverridesOverride default carousel icons with registered SVG icons.
ariaLabelstringCarousel accessible name'Sliding carousel'
lazyLoadbooelanLazy load contentfalse

Size Considerations and Recommendations

By default, maintainAspectRatio is true, which means height is controlled through proportion.

If you want to have a carousel with constant height (regardless of width), you must set maintainAspectRatio to false.

By default, slideHeight is set to 100%, which will not work if the parent element height isn't defined (i.e. relative heights do not work if the parent height is auto). In that case you could pass a valid css string for slideHeight. You can use any valid css height string like 100px or 25vh.

Play around with the demo to see how you can use this carousel with or without explicit parent height.

With parent elements that have height:auto

  • use proportion if you want a carousel that resizes responsively (this is the default configuration).
  • use maintainAspectRatio="false" and a non-percentage slideHeight if you want a fixed height carousel.
  • DO NOT use relative (%) values for slideHeight; the carousel will not render.

With parent elements that have a set height

  • use maintainAspectRatio="false" if you want a fixed height carousel that fills the parent element (slideHeight is 100% by default).
  • DO NOT use maintainAspectRatio="false" and slideHeight (unless slideHeight="100%"); the carousel will not render correctly because the buttons and indicators will be positioned with respect to the parent.
  • DO NOT use proportion; this will lead to gaps or unwanted overflow.


import { MatCarouselSlide, MatCarouselSlideComponent } from '@ngmodule/material-carousel';


InputTypeDescriptionDefault value
imagestringImage displayed in the slide.
overlayColorstringColor of the slide's overlay.'#00000040'
hideOverlaybooleanToggle overlay on/off.false
ariaLabelstringImage accessible name'Slide'
loadbooleanOverride lazyLoadtrue

How to develop and test this component


ng test carousel --watch false

Running the demo application

ng serve demo