1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

ngx-pact v1.1.0

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4 years ago

NGX Pact

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Pact is a tool to develop Consumer-Driven Contract Tests. You can find a lot of informations on the official docs or the github repository.

This Angular Schematic supports you in setting up pact for your projects and therefore do Consumer-Driven Contract Testing for your application.

This Schematic supports karma as well as jest based angular projects.

How to use

Add the schematics to your project

For now this repository just support the initial setup of a project to perform pact tests. This can be done by adding this library.

ng add ngx-pact

The ng add command supports a variety of configuration options. You can find a detailed list in the following section. This will also change the karma.conf.js, so if you already setup pact for your project just skip this step and add ngx-pact as dev dependency.

Configuration Options

Parameter Namedescriptiondefault
skipInstallDo not add pact packages as devDependency in the package.jsonfalse
projectThe name of the project for which you want to add pactdefaultProject
portThe port of the pact server12345
dirThe directory of the pact files./pact
logThe directory of the log files''
pactBinaryLocationWhen you are behind a cooperate proxy you might want to download the pact binary manually
pactDoNotTrackPact by default analyze anonymously installations of the pact-node module

Generate a pact test

ng generate ngx-pact:service --name test

This will generate an angular service called test, with the normal test.service.spec.ts, but also a test.service.pact.spec.ts. It extends the normal service schematic and adds the following configuration options:

Parameter Namedescriptiondefault
portThe port of the pact server12345
consumerName of the consumerprojectName
providerName of the providersome-provider


For development hints, have a look at DEVELOPMENT.md