1.0.2 • Published 11 months ago

ngx-rxjs-extensions v1.0.2

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11 months ago


Shared library providing extensions to RxJS.


Use npm to install the package

npm i ngx-rxjs-extensions

Operators and Usage:

1. When Page Visible: whenPageVisible

Custom RxJS operator that unsubscribes from the source observable when the page is hidden(Minimized window or moved away from current tab). When the page becomes visible again(Maximized window or back to application tab), the operator will resubscribe to the source observable. Useful for polling observables that should only be active when the page is visible. A typical example might be user notifications, alerts, or to verify that the current user session hasn’t expired when user back to the application tab.

Note: We should always strive to interrupt the server as little as possible so that it is able serve other users more efficiently. This operators helps the case.

import { whenPageVisible } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { poll } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { fromEvent } from "rxjs";

  .subscribe(response => {
      // Val will be the response from the server when the page is visible.
      // The observable will be unsubscribed when the page is hidden.
      // Resubscribed when the page is visible again.

2. Poll: poll

Custom RxJS operator that polls the source observable at a given interval.

import { poll } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

  .subscribe((response) => {
    // Do something with the response every 10 seconds

3. Retry: retry

Custom RxJS operator that retries the source observable with an increasing delay based on a backoff strategy.

import { retryWithBackoff } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

const maxRetry = 3;
const initialDelay = 1000;
const backoffFactor = 3;

  .pipe(retryWithBackoff(maxRetry, initialDelay, backoffFactor))
  .subscribe((response) => {
    // Do something with the response

maxRetry : The maximum number of retry attempts. If not specified, defaults to 3

initialDelay : The initial delay before the first retry in milliseconds. If not specified, defaults to 1000.

backoffFactor : The factor by which the delay increases for each subsequent retry. If not specified, defaults to 3.

4. Debug: debug

Custom operator to log the values emitted by the observable. Helpful when you want to debug the values emitted by the observable.

import { debug } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

of(1, 2, 3)

// [Debug: Next] 1
// [Debug: Next] 2
// [Debug: Next] 3
// [Debug]: Complete

Note: If you would like to see custom tag in the console, you can pass the tag as an argument to the debug operator. For eg: debug('sampleTagName')

5. Every: every

Custom RxJS operator that returns if all input observables are truthy. Helpful for scenarios when you want to execute a function only when all the observables are truthy.

import { every } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { combineLatest } from "rxjs";

combineLatest([observableA$, observableB$, observableC$])
  .subscribe(([valA, valB, valC]) => {
      // Do something when all conditions are truthy

Note: combineLatest is used just for the example. You can use any operator that emits multiple values and then pipe the every operator.

6. Some: some

Custom RxJS operator that returns if any of the input observables are truthy. Helpful for scenarios when you want to execute a function only when any of the observables are truthy.

import { some } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { combineLatest } from "rxjs";

combineLatest([observableA$, observableB$, observableC$])
  .subscribe(([valA, valB, valC]) => {
      // Do something if any conditions are true

Note: combineLatest is used just for the example. You can use any operator that emits multiple values and thn pipe the some operator.

7. None: none

Custom RxJS operator that returns if all input observables are falsy.

import { some } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { combineLatest } from "rxjs";

combineLatest([observableA$, observableB$, observableC$])
  .subscribe(([valA, valB, valC]) => {
      // Do something if any conditions are falsy

Note: combineLatest is used just for the example. You can use any operator that emits multiple values and thn pipe the none operator.

8. FilterNil: filterNil

Custom RxJS operator that filters out null and undefined values from the stream.

import { filterNil } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { of } from "rxjs";

of(1, 2, 3, null, undefined)
  .subscribe(val => {
      // val will be 1, 2, 3

Note: of is used just for the example. You can use any operator that emits multiple values and thn pipe the filterNil operator.

9. Filter Keyboard Events: filterKeys

Custom RxJS operator that filters out keyboard events based on the key code.

Current implementation supports filtering for ArrowDown, ArrowUp, ArrowLeft, ArrowRight, Enter, Escape, Space, Tab;

import { filterNil } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';
import { fromEvent } from "rxjs";

fromEvent(document, 'keydown')
  .pipe(filterKeys('ArrowDown', 'ArrowUp'))
  .subscribe(val => {
      // val will be the keyboard event for ArrowDown and ArrowUp

Note: fromEvent is used just for the example. You can use any operator that emits multiple values and thn pipe the filterKeys operator.

10. Page Visibility Change: visibilityChange$

Observable that emits when the page is visible or hidden.

If you would like to get notified when the user switches tabs, minimizes the window.

import { visibilityChange$ } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

visibilityChange$.subscribe((event) => {
  if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
    console.log('Page is now visible');
    // Perform actions when the page becomes visible
  } else {
    console.log('Page is now hidden');
    // Perform actions when the page becomes hidden

11. Page Visible: pageVisible$

Observable that emits when the page is visible.

If you would like to get notified when the user is back to the application window or maximized it. It also emits when user is back to the application window from a different tab.

import { pageVisible$ } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

pageVisible$.subscribe((event) => {
  console.log('Page is now visible');
  // Perform actions when the page becomes visible

12. Page Hidden: pageHidden$

Observable that emits when the page is hidden.

If you would like to get notified when the user switches tabs, minimizes the window.

import { pageVisible$ } from 'ngx-rxjs-extensions';

pageVisible$.subscribe((event) => {
  console.log('Page is now visible');
  // Perform actions when the page becomes visible


Please feel free to contribute to this project. Create an issue or open a pull request.


11 months ago


11 months ago


11 months ago