0.0.11 • Published 2 years ago
ngx-stacked-progressbar v0.0.11
Ngx Stacked Progressbar
Simple 100% stacked progressbar
How to use it?
Install ngx-stacked-progressbar
in your project:
npm install ngx-stacked-progressbar
Import the NgxStackedProgressbarModule
in your app.module.ts
import { MatFormFieldModule, MatSelectModule } from '@angular/material';
import { NgxMatSelectSearchModule } from 'ngx-stacked-progressbar';
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
Define data in your app.component.ts:
import { StackedProgressbarBlock } from 'ngx-stacked-progressbar/lib/ngx-stacked-progressbar.type';
export class AppComponent {
public data: StackedProgressbarBlock[] = [
displayValue: 'Free Space',
value: 40,
tooltip: 'Free Space',
displayValue: 'Warning',
value: 20,
tooltip: 'Warning',
bgColor: '#f0ad4e'
displayValue: 'Danger',
value: 20,
tooltip: 'Danger',
bgColor: '#d9534f'
Use the ngx-stacked-progressbar
<ngx-stacked-progressbar [data]="data" width="700px" height="20px">
@Input() fontSize = '12px';
@Input() width = '100%';
@Input() height = '24px';
@Input() color = 'white';
@Input() public data: StackedProgressbarBlock[] = [];