2.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

ngx-tags-input v2.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago



To install this library, run:

$ npm install ngx-tags-input --save

Consuming the library

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import the library
import { NgxTagsInputModule } from 'ngx-tags-input';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // Specify the library as an import
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Once the library is imported, you can use it in your code

<ngx-tags-input class="form-control input-lg" (onTagsChanged)="onTagsChanged($event)" [removeLastOnBackspace]="removeLastOnBackspace" [(ngModel)]="tags" name="tags"></ngx-tags-input>


ngModelN/AThe variable you whish to bind your tags to. Must be an Array
removeLastOnBackspacefalseBoolean indicating that you can remove the last tag in the row when you press backspace in the input area when it is empty
canDeleteTagstrueBoolean indicating wether tags can be removed or not
canAddTagstrueBoolean indicating wether tags can be added or not
placeholder''Placeholder text to display when not tags are present
maxTagsN/Amaximum number tags allowed to select
optionsN/AList of selectable options to add via the typeahead. Can be Array of strings, objects or an Observable for external matching process
displayField'displayValue'Name of the property to show in the dropdown
minLengthBeforeOptions1The length of the typed string before the dropdown is shown. Putting this to 0 will display it on focus
scrollableOptionsfalseBoolean indicator wether the user can scroll in the dropdown
scrollableOptionsInView5Amount of options shown in the view when the dropdown is scrollable
onNoOptionsMatchN/AWill be called on every keystroke. $event will be true when none of the given options match the entered text
onTagsChangedN/AWill be called when a change is made to the tags $event will have the following structure: {change: 'add', tag: {}} where change can be add or remove
onMaxTagsReachedN/AWill be called when the maximum amount of tags has been reached


Build the library

$ ng build ngx-tags-input

Run the demo app

$ ng serve demo


MIT © Maarten Schroeven