2.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

ngx-typed-js-aot v2.0.8

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Last release
3 years ago


An Angular integration for Typed.js.

Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.


Live demo - Source code

Table of contents


npm install --save ngx-typed-js

Import in your module

import {NgxTypedJsModule} from 'ngx-typed-js';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {


To start using it add the ngx-typed-js component to your template and pass the text, which should be typed to the strings input. In addition you need to pass an element with the class typing to the component tag.

<ngx-typed-js [strings]="['Bananas are awesome', 'Nobody can argue this fact.']">
  <h1 class="typing"></h1>

The typing class also allows you to just animate certain parts of a string:

<ngx-typed-js [strings]="['amazing.', 'yellow.', 'delicious.']" [shuffle]="true" [typeSpeed]="40">
  Bananas are <span class="typing"></span>

Accessing methods exposed by vanilla Typed.js

You can access the methods on your Typed object by using a @ViewChild decorator:

  @ViewChild(NgxTypedJsComponent) typed: NgxTypedJsComponent;


You can make use of the following properties in order to customize your typing experience:

stringsArraystrings to be typed[strings]="['Text 1', 'Text 2']"
stringsElementStringID of element containing string children[stringsElement]="'myId'"
typeSpeedNumbertype speed in milliseconds[typeSpeed]="50"
startDelayNumbertime before typing starts in milliseconds[startDelay]="1000"
backSpeedNumberbackspacing speed in milliseconds[backSpeed]="10"
smartBackspaceBooleanonly backspace what doesn't match the previous string[smartBackspace]="true"
shuffleBooleanshuffle the strings[shuffle]="true"
backDelayNumbertime before backspacing in milliseconds[backDelay]="100"
fadeOutBooleanFade out instead of backspace[fadeOut]="true"
fadeOutClassStringcss class for fade animation[fadeOutClass]="'fadeOutClass'"
fadeOutDelayBooleanfade out delay in milliseconds[fadeOutDelay]="true"
loopBooleanloop strings[loop]="true"
loopCountNumberamount of loops[loopCount]="3"
showCursorBooleanshow cursor[showCursor]="true"
cursorCharStringcharacter for cursor[cursorChar]="'_'"
autoInsertCssBooleaninsert CSS for cursor and fadeOut into HTML[autoInsertCss]="true"
attrStringattribute for typing Ex: input placeholder, value, or just HTML text[attr]="'placeholder'"
bindInputFocusEventsBooleanbind to focus and blur if el is text input[bindInputFocusEvents]="true"
contentTypeString'html' or 'null' for plaintext[contentType]="'html'"

These are the same properties used with vanilla Typed.js. For more information about them check out the original project. In addition to the original properties I have added a new one: cursorColor. This takes the value of a CSS color string (e.g. [color]="red", [color]="#fff"). By default, the cursor color and size will be set to the values of computed styles of the passed .typing element.


You can listen to the following events:

completedAll typing is complete(completed)="doSmth()"
preStringTypedBefore each string is typed(preStringTyped)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
stringTypedAfter each string is typed(stringTyped)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
lastStringBackspacedDuring looping, after last string is typed(lastStringBackspaced)="doSmth()"
typingPausedTyping has been stopped(typingPaused)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
typingResumedTyping has been started after being stopped(typingResumed)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
resetAfter reset(reset)="doSmth()"
stoppedAfter stop(stopped)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
startedAfter start(started)="doSmth(indexOfString)"
destroyedAfter destroy(destroyed)="doSmth()"


<!-- infinite loop -->
<ngx-typed-js [strings]="['awesome', 'amazing']" [loop]="true" (completed)="doSmth()">
  <h2>We are an <span class="typing"></span> company!</h2>

<!-- type pausing -->
<ngx-typed-js [strings]="['This is text ^1000 which gets paused for 1 second']">
  <h2 class="typing"></h2>

Thank you

Big thanks to the author of vue-typed-js from which I inspired heavily and of course to the original author of Typed.js.

Contributions are welcome.




3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago