1.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

nice-scrollbars v1.2.0

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4 years ago

Material-UI Scrollbars

Tiny React wrapper around awesome OverlayScrollbars plugin for more convenient usage with Material-UI applications. OverlayScrollbars is a javascript scrollbar plugin that hides native scrollbars, provides custom styleable overlay scrollbars, and keeps the native functionality and feeling. It enables us to implement stylish scrollbars with consistent appearance across browsers and platforms, and make our UI/UX designers happy.

Scrollable component

The Scrollable component is just a normal div element wrapped with OverlayScrollbars plugin. It exposes all div props, OverlayScrollbars props, and has additional 'classes' prop for granular customization.

Basic usage

import React from 'react';

import { makeStyles, Theme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { Scrollable, ScrollableClasses } from '@vdjurdjevic/material-scrollbars';

const useStyles = makeStyles<Theme, keyof ScrollableClasses>({
	root: {
		width: 100,
		height: 100,
		borderStyle: 'solid',
		borderWidth: '2px'
	verticalScroll: {
		width: 12,
		padding: 2,
		borderRadius: 4
	track: {
		background: 'green'
	handle: {
		background: 'red'

export const NiceScrollbars: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
	const classes = useStyles();
	return <Scrollable classes={classes}>{children}</Scrollable>;

Autocomplete integration

When using Scrollable as custom ListboxComponent of Autocomplete, make sure to assign forwarded ref to viewPort element and also to set role to listbox on view port element. For that scenario, Scrollable component exposes viewPortProps property

import React from 'react';
import { Scrollable } from '@vdjurdjevic/material-scrollbars';
import { Autocomplete } from '@material-ui/lab';

export const AutocompleteScroll = React.forwardRef(({ children, ...rest }, ref) => {
    return (
        <Scrollable {...rest} viewPortProps={{ ref, role: 'listbox' }}>

export const ScrollableAutocomplete = props => {
    return (
            ListboxComponent: AutocompleteScroll

ScrollableTextArea component

ScrollableTextArea shares same API with Scrollable component, but renders textarea element instead of div, and provides 'inputRef' prop that can be used to integrate with FormControl and form libraries like React Hook Form

Text field integration

import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';
import { TextField } from '@material-ui/core';
import { ScrollableTextArea } from '@vdjurdjevic/material-scrollbars';

const { register } = useForm({
	defaultValues: {
		message: 'Text area with nice scrollbar'

	label='Scrollable Text Area'
		inputComponent: ScrollableTextArea


For accessing OverlayScrollbars instance and programmatic scrolling, there is useScrollable hook that returns ref that can be attached to the scrollable component and has methods for scroll manipulation.

Basic usage

import React from 'react';

import { Buttom } from '@material-ui/core';
import { Scrollable, useScrollable } from '@vdjurdjevic/material-scrollbars';

export const ScrollableHookExample: React.FC = () => {
	const scrollable = useScrollable();

	return (
			<Scrollable ref={scrollable}>Some scrollable content</Scrollable>
				onClick={() => scrollable.current.instance().scroll({ y: '+= 40px' })}>


This library has @material-ui/core as a peer dependency and uses it's styling solution based on JSS. Unlike with plain OverlayScrollbars, with this wrapper, it's not necessary to import global stylesheet. Global styles are implemented with JSS also, so that components work out of the box, without additional setup.

Docs and Examples

Docs will improve over time, for now please use official OverlayScrollbars and Material UI Docs. If you would like to experiment with it, you can clone the repo, run yarn install, and yarn run dev to start storybook and use it as a playground. There are some basic examples to start with, but feel free to add yours and submit a pull request if others can benefit from it.