1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

nickslist v1.0.0

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8 years ago


encrypted, verified, pseudonymous communication over a shared hyperlog

this is a low-level library, on top of which you can build your application/domain logic


there are some great solutions for distributed architectures with persistent identities

but, for some applications, we do not want persistent identities. compare ebay and craigslist. on ebay, we want identities to which we can ascribe reputation, etc.

on craigslist, we want pseudonymity - people are not identified (except, in this case, by their public keys) - but, we can still send them private (encrypted) messages.

check back for more application examples


const hyperreal = require('hyperreal')
const hyperlog = require('hyperlog')
const halite = require('halite')
const memdb = require('memdb')

// let's send an encrypted message to each other
const mykeypair = halite.keypair()
// our psuedonyms are our public keys
const yourkeypair = halite.keypair()
// over a shared hyperlog
let log = hyperlog(memdb(), {
  valueEncoding: 'json',

// i'll make a hyperreal instance
let real = hyperreal(log, item => {
  // if i see an unencrypted post,
  if (!item.value.ciphertext) {
    // i'll get your pubkey (pseudonym)
    let pk = real.utils.unserialize(
    // and encrypt a reply to you
    real.encrypted([item.key], {
      message: 'muy buena onda'
    }, mykeypair, pk)

// now you make a hyperreal instance
let real2 = hyperreal(log, item => {
  // when you see something with a ciphertext,
  if (item.value.ciphertext) {
    // see if you can decrypt it with your keypair
    var dec = real.decrypt(item, yourkeypair)
    console.log(`you said "${dec.value.body.message}"`)

// now, send me a plaintext message to get the party started
real2.unencrypted([], {
  message: 'y como te parece'
}, yourkeypair)

// > you said "muy buena onda"


real = hyperreal(log, cb)

log is a hyperlog, or hyperlog-like object

cb(node) is called whenever a new node appears over the hyperlog.

real.unencrypted(links, obj, my_keypair, cb)

post an unencrypted message to the hyperlog.

links is an array of posts to which the encrypted post should link ([] will append to the log).

obj is a javascript object

my_keypair is a tweetnacle keypair. your public key will be added to the log so others can address you. i recommend generating your keypair with halite.

cb(err, node) is called when the post has been successfully added to the hyperlog.

real.encrypted(links, obj, my_keypair, pubkey, cb)

post an encrypted message to the hyperlog.

pubkey is the public key of the person to which you'd like to address the message. (again, a tweetnacle key).

see above for other argument definitions

real.decrypt(node, my_keypair)

node is a hyperog node that's encrypted with hyperreal, to my_keypair.

returns a version of node where node.value is replaced with a decrypted version of the message.
