2.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

nify v2.0.0

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9 years ago


Nodeify a promise-returning function

Transform a promise-returning function into another function, that accepts a node-style callback as its last argument.

This is useful in at least three situations:

  1. You want to switch your asynchronous code to promises, while still exposing a legacy node-style API.

  2. You are using node-style callbacks for you asynchronous code, and want to use a promise-oriented API.

  3. You are using promises for your asynchronous code, and want to deal with an API that provides a node-style callback to be called (such as Mongoose middlewares).

Similar features are supported out of the box by some promise libraries, such as Bluebird#asCallback or Q#nodeify. Instead, this module is intended to work with any Promises/A+ implementation, including native ES2015 promises.

See also pify for the reverse transformation, also called promisification.


npm install --save nify


Let's assume that findUser is a promise-returning function.

// Node-style callback with nify
nify(findUser)(id, function (error, user) {
    if (error) {
        console.error('Error: ' + error);
    } else {
        console.log('User: ' + user.email);

// Promise equivalent
    function (user) {
        console.log('User: ' + user.email);
    function (error) {
        console.error('Error: ' + error);


nify(input, options)

Returns a nodeified version of the given input function.


Returns a wrapper of nify, with the given options set as defaults.

Example with Mongoose middlewares, assuming that myPreSaveHook and myPostSaveHook are promise-returning functions:

var hookify = nify.defaults({
    arity: 1,
    async: false,
    void: true

mySchema.pre('save', hookify(myPreSaveHook));
mySchema.post('save', hookify(myPostSaveHook, {arity: 2}));



Type: integer
Default: 0

Define the arity of the output function (Function.length). By default, this is guessed from the input function: original arity + 1 for the callback.

When this option is set, the received argument list is also tuncated to match the specified arity.


Type: integer
Default: -1

Define the position at which the callback argument is expected. Negative indices are relative to the end of the arguments list (which my be altered by the arity option).


Type: boolean
Default: false

Allow the output function to silently fall back on the promise mode when no callback is given. The default behavior is to throw an error.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Force the callback to be called asynchronously, even if the input function returns a non-promise value or throws a synchronous error.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Force all rejection reasons to be instances of Error. When this option is set, any non-Error rejection reason is wrapped in an Error instance. The original value is attached to the wrapper through the .cause property.

Regardless of this option, any falsy rejection reason is wrapped like above.


Type: boolean
Default: false

In case of success, ignore the resulting value and call the callback without any argument.


Type: boolean
Default: false

If the resulting value is an array, use its items as multiple arguments for the callback.
