2.1.16 • Published 5 years ago

nightingale-showcase-app v2.1.16

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Last release
5 years ago

Showcase App

This directory contains the source of the showcase App for the web components of the nightingale project.

You can visit the live version of the app on https://ebi-webcomponents.github.io/nightingale/#/


The showcase App is running on github pages. and we have setup a worktree associated with the folder app/dist, following the strategy documented here: http://sangsoonam.github.io/2019/02/08/using-git-worktree-to-deploy-github-pages.html

If you want to deploy it this way the easiest way is to create the empty dir app/dist and add it as a worktree of the gh-pages branch.

✔ nightingale [master|✔] $ mkdir app/dist
✔ nightingale [master|✔] $ git worktree add app/dist/ gh-pages
Preparing worktree (checking out 'gh-pages')
HEAD is now at 4cbcbc6 version2.0.3
Can't find Husky, skipping post-checkout hook
You can reinstall it using 'npm install husky --save-dev' or delete this hook
✔ nightingale [master|✔] $ cd app/dist/
✔ nightingale/app/dist [gh-pages|✔] $ ls
0.js        10.js       12.js       14.js       16.js       18.js       2.js        4.js        6.js        8.js        index.html
1.js        11.js       13.js       15.js       17.js       19.js       3.js        5.js        7.js        9.js        main.js

With this configuration, you can build the the app. The files that will be created in the app/dist folder. And if you go to that folder you will be in the gh-pages branch where you can commit and push the changes. For example:

✔ nightingale [master|✔] $ yarn build-site
yarn run v1.10.1
$ lerna run build-site --stream
lerna notice cli v3.4.3


✔ lerna success - nightingale-showcase-app
✨  Done in 44.11s.
✔ nightingale [master|✔] $ cd app/dist/
✔ nightingale/app/dist [gh-pages|✚ 20] $  git commit -m "new app version X.X.X"
20 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)


✔ nightingale/app/dist [gh-pages ↑·1|✔]
16:36 $ git push
Enumerating objects: 43, done.


 gh-pages -> gh-pages
✔ nightingale/app/dist [gh-pages|✔] $

And after this the github pages will be updated to this version.