0.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

nihil v0.3.0

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2 years ago



Author = Mepy Github : Language = Engilish, mainly Blog : Language = Simplified Chinese(简体中文)


WARNING : a TOY project current, do NOT use in production.

nihil is a parser combinator library for Javascript(ES2015+).

nihil is null, nothingness, etc, while nihil is useful and elegant NPM.

nihil is a lot inspired by bnb But written in the style of FP(Functional Programming), mainly, I thought details in ## Reference.

nihil has zero dependencies and is about 5.2KB(exactly 5291 Bytes) raw Javascript. As for minifying and zipping, I haven't tried it.

nihil source code uses some features of ES2015(or ES6), such as destructuring assignment, arrow function. So you'd better use modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, etc.

nihil library contains only, maybe you can consider, one object nihil. So it of course supports both Browser and NodeJS.

nihil is elegant and easy to use, try it? -> Read ## Tutorial


nihil is a lot inspired by bnb At first, I used bnb for another toy project However, I met some troubles : 1. Creating a recursive parser is a little hard 2. Assign bnb.parser.parse to a variable will throw an error Because bnb implement parser with class Assign instance.parse to a variable will lose this pointer I decide to implement my own one, and I read the source code of bnb But nihil is totally new written, I thought it should be NOT a derivative of bnb The similarity between nihil and bnb might only be bnb.match(RegExp) <=> nihil(RegExp) and chain method .and, .or, etc.


nihil(RegExp) : Regular Expression Parser

You can use nihil(RegExp) to create parsers:

nihil(/a+/) // a parser

.try & .parse : Parsing Raw String

With a parser, you can parse raw string with method .try or .parse:

const a = nihil(/a+/)
a.try("aaaa") // "aaaa"
a.try("bbbb") // throw { expected: '/a+/', location: 0 }
a.parse("aaaa") // { right: true, value: 'aaaa' }
a.parse("bbbb") // { right: false, error: { expected: '/a+/', location: 0 } }

The difference between them is that .try would throw error while .parse would return.

For convenience, we will use .try in the following text.

.and : Sequential Parser

You can use nihil.and(RegExp,...) to create a sequential parser:

.try("bbbbcccc") // [ '', 'bbbb', 'cccc' ]

If exists a parser k, you can use k.and(parser,...):

const k = nihil(/k+/)
const g = nihil(/g+/)
.try("kkkggggkkkk") // [ 'kkk', 'gggg', 'kkkk' ]

But It would trouble you if the second parser is a simple parser generated by nihil Well, you can simply enter RegExps in place of simple parsers:

.try("kkkggggkkkk") // [ 'kkk', 'gggg', 'kkkk' ]

.or : Choose Parsers

If you want to parse "a" or "b", You can of course use RegExp /a|b/ But if you want to parse one complex language or another complex language, You can also do it with a complex RegExp which might bring errors, but using nihil.or, you can implement the same function as /a|b/ with well-understanding code style:

const a_b = nihil.or(/a/,/b/)
a_b.try("a") // [ 'a' ] 
a_b.try("b") // [ 'b' ] 

.or is similar to .and, so you can also do like these:

const a = nihil(/a/)
const b = nihil(/b/)
const c = nihil(/c/)
a.or(b,c).try("c") // [ 'c' ]
a.or(b,/c/).try("c") // [ 'c' ]

ATTENTION : The order of parser makes difference, see ### Larger Precedes. The combined parser will try to parse using from left parser to right parser.

nihil.or(/a/,/a+/).parse("aaa") // { right: false, error: { expected: '<eof>', location: 1 } }
nihil.or(/a+/,/a/).parse("aaa") // { right: true, value: [ 'aaa' ] }

Well, maybe you are considering it is just another style to write RegExp and doubting whether it is necessary to learn .or method. What if the complex language is not a RE language but a LL(1) language? You can not implement it with RegExp!!! Read the following tutorial, you can create a parser of LL(m) . (m as big as you want and if your computer can compute it in time.)

.keep : Select Parsers

.keep method is used for selecting parsers according former value. With this, you can implement a LL(m) parser. For example, maybe improper, we implement a LL(1) parser which accepts a string like 'aA', 'bB', ..., 'zZ'

const lowUp = nihil(/[a-z]/)
lowUp("nN") // { right: true, value: [ 'n', 'N' ] }
lowUp("iJ") // { right: false, error: { expected: '/I/', location: 1 } }

ATTENTION : in .keep method, you must give a function which returns a parser but NOT a RegExp, different from .and and .or.

As for LL(m), the format is like this, simply m = 2

const char4 = nihil.and(/./,/./,/./,/./)
// result of char4 is an array with a length of 4 > m = 2
const parser = char4.keep(([$1,$2,$3,$4])=>{
    if($4=='a'){return nihil(/r/)}
    else if($3=='b'){return nihil(/s/)}
    else{return nihil(/t/)}

// parser accepts /...ar/, /..b[^a]s/ or /..[^b][^a]t/ 
parser("wxyar"), // [ 'w', 'x', 'y', 'a', 'r' ]
parser("wxbzs"), // [ 'w', 'x', 'b', 'z', 's' ]
parser("wxyzt"), // [ 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 't' ]

REASON : Why name this method after 'keep'? Because this method KEEP the former value (e.g. result of char4) Can we choose not to keep it? Of course, use .drop instead of .keep But it is little used in my view.

.map : Transform Value

Until now, value of result of parsers are all strings. Sometimes, we need to transform them, e.g. transform '3' to 3

nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/) // String of number, decimal
.map(Number) // from String to Number
.try("3") // 3

.map could do other things, like verifying the value: For example, we decide to reject 114514

const num = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/)
                return undefined
                return $1
.try("114514 3") // [ undefined, ' ', 3 ]

However, you might realize that the parser, in fact, replace 114514 with undefined. Can we DROP 114514, make the result [ ' ', 3 ]? Use .drop.

.drop : Intercept Value (Optional)

Except that .drop drops the former parser's result, it is nearly the same as .keep

What needs to be emphasized is that fn in .drop(fn) MUST return a parser NEITHER RegExp, NOR array of values in .map

nihil.box(value) will return a parser which does nothing but return value, so called a box (a parser containing value). You might feels it useful, right?

const num = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/)
        return nihil
        return nihil.box($1)

const foo = num.and(/\s+/,num).try
foo("114514 3") // [ ' ', 3]
foo("10492 3") // [ 10492, ' ', 3 ]

But wait, what is nihil in return nihil?

nihil : NULL Parser

As is seen, nihil acts as a parser, doing nothing.

Formly, nihil, as its name, is a nihil (NULL parser, PSEUDO parser).

It can accept a RegExp and return a parser, which we have been using.

nihil is a parser, so you can use its .and, .or. But nihil's .keep , .drop and .map must accept a parser first, because it doesn't return value when parsing. See API.

Until now, we have nearly been empowered to write LL(∞) parsers. But without knowing the flaw of parser combinator, i.e. the top down parser, The following methods would be hard to make by the above methods.

Higher Order Tutorial

For a quick-look, You can only read built-in method. But reading completely is useful for understanding nihil's feature.

.sep : Seperator Between Parser

Recall the result of example in .drop tutorial, [ ' ' , 3 ] We might find that the ' ' is so ugly, we want to drop it! Of course, we can use .map to map the array [ ' ' , 3 ] to [ 3 ]. But the annoying thing is we need to consider more situations :

const number = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number)
const space = nihil(/\s*/) // accept 0~∞ space(s)
const left = "  3"
const right = "3 "
const leftright = " 3  "

using built-in .sep

nihil implements a built-in method .sep for parsers:

var parse = number.sep(space).try
parse(left) // 3
parse(right) // 3
parse(leftright) // 3

But it hides some interesting features, let's implement our .sep.

using simple .and

// first method
var parse = nihil.and(space, number, space).parse
parse(left) // { right: false, error: { expected: '/\\s*/', location: 3 } }
parse(right) // { right: true, value: [ 3, ' ' ] }
parse(leftright) // { right: true, value: [ ' ', 3, '  ' ] } }

Obviously, sometimes it would err.

using simple .and and partial .or(nihil)

// first method
var parse = nihil.and(space, number, space.or(nihil)).parse
parse(left) // { right: true, value: [ '  ', 3 ] }
parse(right) // { right: true, value: [ 3, ' ' ] }
parse(leftright) // { right: true, value: [ ' ', 3, '  ' ] } }

We have solved the problem it errs, but how to map three different cases to the same result 3? It is a bit difficult, especially differentiating the first and the second.

using .drop ahead of combining parsers

When meeting \s*, we drop it.

var space_drop = space.drop(_=>nihil);
var parse = nihil.and(space_drop, number, space_drop.or(nihil))
parse(left) // { right: true, value: 3 }
parse(right) // { right: true, value: 3 }
parse(leftright) // { right: true, value: 3 }

Finally, we solve it.


  • parser.drop(_=>nihil) can drop the value of the parser
  • parser.or(nihil) can skip the parser if it couldn't match, similar to the symbol ? in the RegExp.

.loop : Recursive Parser

If we want to parse " 3 4 5 ", we can use number.and(number, number) with .sep. But if we don't know how many numbers occur?

const array4 = "3 4   6 4 "
const array2 = " 5   9"

using built-in .loop

Of course, there is a built-in .loop:

var array = number.sep(space)
array.try(array4) // [ 3, 4, 6, 4 ]
array.try(array2) // [ 5, 9 ]

but it also hides some interesting features, let's implement our .loop.

loop = recursion

As programmers all know, loop is equal to recusion. So we can implement a recursive parser, the following is a BNF(Backus-Naur Form):

array ::= number array | nihil

But how can array call itself?

straightly calling itself

var array = undefined // ensure array undefined
var array = number.sep(space)
// Thrown:
// TypeError: Cannot read property 'raw' of undefined

It failed, because array is undefined when we define array.

using wrapper and closure

In Javascript, closure is useful. In this way, an object can be captured by a function. We can use the object in the function when called. In other words, we wrap the object with a function.

We usually call this trick "late-bound" (especially in λ-calculus)

var array = undefined // ensure array undefined
var array = number.sep(space)
array.try(array4) // [ 3, [ 4, [ 6, [ 4 ] ] ] ]
array.try(array2) // [ 5, [ 9 ] ]

ATTENTION : We defer the use time of array! It was called when the arrow function _=>array(_) called.

Wait, is parser a function, now that called with argument _? Yes, a parser is a function, it accepts source and return value. We use .try or .parse, because source is a wrapper of String, and we also need to wrap values into results or throw errors. See nihil.parser

unfolding the result

Noticing that the result is a recursive array, we need to unfold it into a simple array.

const unfold = a=>(a.length == 1)?a:([a[0],...a[1]]) // a means array
var array = undefined // ensure array undefined
var array = number.sep(space)
array.try(array4) // [ 3, 4, 6, 4 ]
array.try(array2) // [ 5, 9 ]


  • parser is indeed a function, we can call it with source
  • _=>parser(_) can defer the time of using parser.
  • unfold is needed for maping recursive array to simple array.

.wrap : Wrapper Between Parser

Now, we could parse string such as "3 4 6 4 ", " 5 9", etc. We want to add "[" and "]" on the left and right of array.

using built-in .wrap

        .try("[3 4   6 4 ]") // [ 3, 4, 6, 4 ]

using .and and .map

        .try("[3 4   6 4 ]") // [ 3, 4, 6, 4 ]

nihil indeed uses such a method to offer a handy tool .wrap.


  • parser.wrap is a useful tool.

Larger Precedes

Let's run 2 code segments with a slight difference:

var number = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number).sep(/\s*/)
.parse("3 4") // { right: true, value: [ 3, 4 ] }
var number = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number).sep(/\s*/)
.parse("3 4") // { right: false, error: { expected: '<eof>', location: 2 } }

The second one is incorrect. The number parsed the string first and succueeded, so number.loop() had no opportunity to parse the raw string. However, number could only parse one number, so it expected \ after parsing "3 ", but given "4", finally it returned an error.

Notation :

  • P, Q, R, ... are Parsers.
  • P | Q means P.or(Q)
  • L(P) is the language described by P.
  • p ∈ L(P) is a string of the language L(P).
  • p < q means p is a prefix substring of q.

Definition : P < Q iff L(P) < L(Q) iff ∀q ∈ L(Q), ∃p ∈ L(P), p < q

Theorem : P < Q ⇒ L(P | Q) = L(P)

Proof : Omitted.

Therefore, if P < Q, P.or(Q) acts as P.


  • when .or combining parsers, the larger should precedes.

Avoid Left Recursion

Recall the BNF in the loop recursion

array ::= number array | nihil

As a matter of fact, the following BNF is also correct.

array ::= array number | nihil

However, the corresponding Javascript code is incorrect:

var number = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number).sep(/\s*/)
var array = nihil.and(_=>array(_),number).or(nihil)
array.try("3 4 ")
// Thrown:
// RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

This is because array always calling itself, making the function calling stack overflow.

We call the first BNF "right recursion", the second "left recursion".


  • when .and creating recursive parsers, transform left recursion to right recursion.

Example : Tree Recursion

The recursive parser made in the .loop is linked-list-like. Now we implement a tree-like one.

var number = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number)
var array = number.or(_=>array(_)).sep(/\s*/).loop().wrap(/\[/,/\]/)
array.try("[ 3 [5[9]] 6 [4 5 ]  ]") // [ 3, [ 5, [ 9 ] ], 6, [ 4, 5 ] ]

Useful Tools

.lable : Label Node

Sometimes we want to add a label to the parser result.

var decimal = nihil(/0|[1-9][0-9]*/).map(Number).label("decimal")
var hexadecimal = nihil(/0x(0|[0-9a-fA-F][1-9a-fA-F]*)/).map(Number).label("hexadecimal")
var number = decimal.or(hexadecimal)
number.try("33") // { label: 'decimal', value: 33 }

In fact, you can use .map to implement it.

parser.label = label=>parser.map(value=>({label,value}))

.locate : Located Parser

Sometimes we want to locate where parser works.

var a = nihil(/a+/)
var b = nihil(/b+/).locate()
.try("aaabbbbaa") // [ 'aaa', { beg: 3, value: 'bbbb', end: 7 }, 'aa' ]

Current Bugs

var a = nihil(/a+/).drop(_=>nihil)
var b = nihil(/b+/)
// { right: false, error: { expected: '<eof>', location: 3 } }

The reason might be that .loop uses nihil.nihil to break the looping, while .drop offers nihil generating nihil.nihil.



nihil(parser A)=>parser A nihil(source)=>nihil.nihil nihil(RegExp)=>parser(RE)

result format

  • {right:true, value : ... } is the result when parsing succeeded.
  • {right:false, error : ... } is the result when parsing failed.
  • nihil.nihil = { right:true, nihil:true } is the result of the nihil parser.


It is the helper function of nihil If you are a new hand of Javascript but familiar with OOP(Object Oriented Programming), you can consider it as class parser

As a matter of fact, its real member function are .try and parse for easily parse string and return proper result. Because a parser is a function indeed, you can call it with argument source, see nihil.source

As for other functions, they are all for convenience of creating parsers in the grammar of chain calling. You can intuitively feels it in Tutorial. Also, the source code of nihil.parser promotes your understanding of the whole nihil.


Label the raw string with an ima(a Japanese word, means "current") location.

const source = nihil.source("abc") // source =  { raw: "abc", ima: 0 }
const ab = nihil(/ab/)
ab(source) // { right: true, value: "ab" }
// source =  { raw: "abc", ima: 2 }


A parser returning the ima location of parsing source as value.

const source = nihil.source("abc") // source =  { raw: "3", ima: 0 }
const ab = nihil(/ab/)
nihil.location(source) // {right: true, value: 2}
// source =  { raw: "abc", ima: 2 }


input array of RegExp or parser, return a parser which parses source sequentially in the order of array


input array of RegExp or parser, return a parser which tries to parse source from array0 to arrayarray.length-1:=end. If arrayk succeeds, arrayk+1,...,end wouldn't be used to parse source.


It helps implement the parser of LL(∞). nihil.keep accepts parser and selecting function fn with value return by a parser as argument and a parser as return value, and returns a new parser.

var fn = value=>parser
var LLm = nihil.keep(parser)(fn)


It is similar to nihil.keep with difference that it would DROP the values parsed out by parse


Used to map the value of parse to the format you like



Used to deal with the seperator on the left and the right of parser.



Used to looping parse string with parser.



Used to label the value of parser.



Used to locate the value of parser
