0.1.53 • Published 8 years ago

nimble-elements v0.1.53

Weekly downloads
Last release
8 years ago

An easy to use web application compiler

* easy <custom-tags></custom-tags>

* standard npm packages

* newer javascript features (ES6)

* a single index.html distributable



sudo npm i -g nimble-elements


> mkdir myproject
> cd myproject

> nimble --bootstrap


> nimble 

view your application by browsing to _build/index.html


npm i -g live-server
live-server --wait=350 _build

About Nimble Elements

Nimble Elements is fortified with

- babelify
- browserify
- directory based custom elements

Bringing to your browser based application

- new javascript features
- npm packages
- <custom-tags></custom-tags>

Bundled into a single index.html file

From a collection of element files and objects (files and folders)

+ [myproject]

	+ [display-box]         ( <display-box></display-box> )
		| body.html
		| created.js
		| left.html
		| right.html

	+ [hello-widget]        ( <hello-widget></hello-widget> )
		| body.html
		| created.js

	+ [x-main]              ( <x-main></x-main> )
		| body.html
		| created.js

	- index.html

Each sub-directory automatically generates a shadom dom based custom html element which can be used anywhere in your project

 for example the hello-widget directory generates a <hello-widget></hello-widget> element

element sub-directory contents

	- created.js -- called each time an instance of it's element is created. 
	- *.html file content is provided to created.js as a this[*] / this.* property.  (e.g. body.html > this['body'])

created.js sample code

// created.js code is called each time an instance of it's element is created. 

// "this" is the instance of the created element.
// var dom = the element's shadow dom object.  (defaults to body.html)

var $ = require('jquery')       // include npm packages
var _ = require('underscore')

// *.html file content maps to this.* / this['*']
var l = this.left    // left.html contents
var b = this.body    // body.html contents
var r = this.right   // right.html contents

dom.innerHTML = l+b+r  // provide content

// when an instance is attached or detatched from the dom
this.attached = function(){ console.log('hi!') }
this.detached = function(){ console.log('bye!') }

this.onclick = e=>{ console.log('poke.') }

var x = this.getAttribute('x')


body.html sample code

	:host {display: block}

Hello World!

index.html - Your app begins with a single index.html file in your project root.

<!doctype html>
		<title>My Project</title>

npm packages

Many standard npm packages can be added to your application

npm i --save package-name

And included using require

var p = require('package-name')

application requirements

Applications use relatively new html features

That run natively in supporting browsers (as of Oct 2015)

  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • (Firefox - with a flag setting)

try it out! - sample code (run from an empty directory)

nimble --bootstrap myproject

learn more

nimble --help

final words, notes & suggestions

Nimble elements goes well with electron

Currently under early development... questions, comments, requests welcome.

Thanks for using nimble-elements!