0.0.3 • Published 2 months ago

nimbora-liquity v0.0.3

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Nimbora - SDK

About us

Nimbora is a platform that offers you the opportunity to interact with your favorite Layer 1 (L1) protocols at a fraction of the cost of Layer 2 (L2) solutions.

You can learn more about Nimbora by follow us on Medium, Twitter, or join our Telegram group.

About the SDK

This SDK helps you integrate with Nimbora YieldDex.


Token Manager


$ npm install nimbora-token-manager
$ yarn add nimbora-token-manager

All methods

Setup a Token Manager

import { TokenManager } from 'nimbora-token-manager';
import { RpcProvider } from 'starknet';

const tokenManagerAddress: string = '';
const provider = new RpcProvider({ nodeUrl: 'https://starknet-goerli.g.alchemy.com/v2/XXX' });

const accountAddress = process.env.ACCOUNT_ADDRESS;
const accountPrivateKey = process.env.ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY;
const account = new Account(provider, accountAddress, accountPrivateKey);

const tokenManager = new TokenManager(tokenManagerAddress, provider, account);


Deposit tokens into the Layer 2 Token Manager contract by calling deposit function. This function can execute a multi-call if the allowance to the token manager is insufficient allowance + deposit.

try {
    const { shares, hash } = await tokenManager.deposit({
        amount: "100",
        receiver: account.address, // The shares receiver account address.
        referral: account.address, // The referral account address.
        onTxStageChange: txStageChangeCallback, // Optional callback for getting information about transaction stage
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors

Request Withdrawal

A withdrawal request from a token manager can be made by invoking the requestWithdrawal function, specifying the amount of shares the user wishes to exchange for underlying tokens.

try {
    const { id, hash } = await tokenManager.requestWithdrawal({
        shares: "100", // Total shares to exchange for the underlying token.
        onTxStageChange: txStageChangeCallback, // Optional callback for getting information about transaction stage.
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors

Claim Withdrawal

Claim a withdrawal from a token manager can be done by calling the claimWithdrawal.

try {
    const hash = await tokenManager.claimWithdrawal({
        claimWithdrawal: "1", // The request withdrawal id.
        onTxStageChange: txStageChangeCallback, // Optional callback for getting information about transaction stage.
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the protocol performance fee

try {
    const fee = await tokenManager.performanceFees()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the minimum amount allowed to deposit into the token manager

try {
    const amount = await tokenManager.depositLimitLow()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the maximum amount allowed to deposit into the token manager

try {
    const amount = await tokenManager.depositLimitHigh()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the minimum amount allowed to withdraw from the token manager

try {
    const amount = await tokenManager.withdrawalLimitLow()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the maximum amount allowed to withdraw from the token manager

try {
    const amount = await tokenManager.withdrawalLimitHigh()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the epoch delay before the request withdrawal is processed by the pooling manager

try {
    const epoch = await tokenManager.withdrawalEpochDelay()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the current epoch

try {
    const epoch = await tokenManager.epoch()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the epoch reported and where withdrawals were processed

try {
    const epoch = await tokenManager.lastProcessedEpoch()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the L1 net asset value

try {
    const nav = await tokenManager.l1NetAssetValue()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


This returns the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the underlying token. It includes the buffered tokens on both L1, L2, as well as the tokens in transit (currently bridged).

try {
    const tvl = await tokenManager.totalAssets()
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


The exchange rate to convert the shares<>underlying tokens per epoch.

try {
    const epoch = 1
    const rate = await tokenManager.withdrawalExchangeRate(epoch)
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


List all the users request withdrawal

try {
    const address = account.address // user address
    const withdrawals = await tokenManager.listUserRequestWithdrawal(address)
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Return the last request withdrawal made by the user.

try {
    const address = account.address // user address
    const withdrawal = await tokenManager.lastUserRequestWithdrawal(address)
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Convert the shares to underlying token

try {
    const shares = "100" // amount in shares
    const underlyingAmount = await tokenManager.shareToUnderlying(shares)
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Convert the underlying to shares token.

try {
    const underlyingAmount = "100" // amount in shares
    const shares = await tokenManager.UnderlyingToShare(underlyingAmount)
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the underlying contract

try {
    const underlingContract = await tokenManager.underlying()
    const balance = await underlingContract.call('balance_of', [account.address])
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors


Returns the token share contract

try {
    const tokenContract = await tokenManager.token()
    const balance = await tokenContract.call('balance_of', [account.address])
} catch (e) {
    // Handle Errors

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