nitewatch v2.1.3
nitewatch monitors files within your project for changes and then automatically runs scripts or commands you have to defined. For example, nitewatch can automatically recompile code in a project when a file is modified, sparing you the overhead and letting you focus on writing code.
Install globally
$ npm install -g nitewatch
Or within a project
$ npm install nitewatch --save
nitewatch can be run within another script:
const nitewatch = require("nitewatch");
const userOpts = {
ignoredFiles: {"test.js": true},
ignoredDirs: {"node_modules": true},
scripts: ["echo Hello World"],
nitewatch can also be ran from the command line when installed globally
nitewatch -y "test" -s "./" -i "test.js" -d "node_modules" "logs"
nitewatch can also be ran on specific files and directories with the watch command
nitewatch watch src test.js -d .* node_modules
If a .nitewatch.yml is found in the directory when nitewatch is run or a path to a yaml is supplied with the -y option nitewatch will use the yaml defined options.
nitewatch will ignore files and directories specified in options. Entries can be file or directory names or patterns.
From the command line:
-d, --dirs: list of directories to ignore
-i, --ignore: list of files to ignore
-s, --scripts: list of scripts or commands to run on file change
-y, --yaml: path to yaml file for options
Using .nitewatch.yml
- ".eslintrc"
- ".git"
- ".gitignore"
- "*.log"
- node_modules
- .git
- test
- echo "Hello World!"
MIT © Jared Grady