0.2.2 • Published 2 years ago

njs-jsonrpc-2.0 v0.2.2

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2 years ago


Client and Server communicating via JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. javascript implementation for node.js. Simple and convenient to use.


by-name parameters ({ "p1": v1, "p2": v2}) are not yet supported by either server or client


npm install njs-jsonrpc-2.0



'use strict';

const express = require('express');

const app = express();


const rpcServer = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0').server('/api/?', app);

rpcServer.add(sum, mul);
	'div', (a, b) => a/b,
	['inv', a => 1/a]

function sum(a, b, c) {
	return a + b + c;

function mul(m1, m2) {
	return m1 * m2;



'use strict';

const jsonrpc = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0');

.then(async (rpcClient) => {
	let r;

	// API method call via client property
	try {
		r = await rpcClient.sum(2, 3, 4);
		console.log(r); // 9
	} catch(err) {

	// calling an API method via the client's 'call' method
	try {
		r = await rpcClient.call('mul', 25, 4);
		console.log(r); // 100
	} catch(err) {

	// notification (the result is not important and is not sent by the server)
	try {
		r = await rpcClient.notify('div', 12, 3);
		console.log(r); // undefined
	} catch(err) {
		// server may return an error if the request is invalid
		// and is not recognized by it as 'notification'.
		// client will throw appropriate exception

	// batch
	try {
		r = await rpcClient.batch()
		.call('sum', 5, 7, 11)
		.call('inv', 5)
		console.log(r); // [23, 0.2]
	} catch(err) {


const jsonrpc = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0'); exports methods for creating client and server

  • server - creates a server instance
  • client - creates an instance of the client with receiving a description of the API methods from the service and creating methods of the same name on the client. The method is asynchronous.
  • bareClient - instantiates the client without building the service API methods on the client. The method is synchronous.



jsonrpc.server(path, app)

Creates a server instance with add, setEndpoints and apiDescription methods. The return value is also a middleware for express that adds a jsonrpc method to the request object (http.IncomingMessage) to process requests.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const server = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0').server();


app.get('/api/?', (req, res, next) => {

app.post('/api/?', (req, res, next) => {
	.catch(err => {

// the server is created, routing and middleware is configured
// it remains to add API methods:
//   server.add(...
// and the server is ready to handle calls

When calling the first form jsonrpc.server() (no parameters) the server instance has access to setEndpoints method (see below), which simplifies server creation a bit

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const server = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0').server();
server.setEndpoints('/api/?', app);

// the server is created, routing and middleware is configured
// it remains to add API methods:
//   server.add(...
// and the server is ready to handle calls

The second form (jsonrpc.server(path, app)) accepts parameters similar to setEndpoints, configures routing and middleware. With this call, setEndpoints is not available on the server instance.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

const server = require('njs-jsonrpc-2.0').server('/api/?', app);

// the server is created, routing and middleware is configured
// it remains to add API methods:
//   server.add(...
// and the server is ready to handle calls


server.add(\<name, fn | tuple>[, name, fn, ...])

  • name \<string> - method name. If specified, this is the name of the API method. If the method implementation (the fn parameter) is an anonymous function, then this parameter is required.
  • fn \<Function> - a function that implements the method. If the function is named and there is no corresponding name parameter, then the function name will be used as the API method.

    a pair \<name>, \<function> can be passed as one parameter as an array of two elements with indices 0 - name, 1 - function (elements with indices >1 will be ignored)

Adds a service API method. API methods added to the service will be called on the request object, i.e. for these methods, this is instance of http.IncomingMessage.

server.setEndpoints(path, app)

  • path - the path (relative to the application) where the API processed by this server will be available
  • app - express application instance

Returns: \<undefined>

Sets routing to process requests to the jsonrpc2.0 server. The POST request handler handles API method calls according to the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol. A GET request returns a description of the API methods.

const app = express();
const rpcServer = jsonrpc.server();
rpcServer.setEndpoints('/api/?', app)


Returns: \<Object> object with information about API methods (names of methods and parameters).


const client = jsonrpc.bareClient(address, options)

  • address \<string|URL|Object> - url where the API is available or object with request method
  • options \<Object> - http(s) request options (see http.request documentation).

Returns: \<Object>

The method instantiates a "base" client with three base methods, no service API methods.

If the address parameter is a string (or URL), then a simple default client based on the nodejs http/https modules is used to connect to the server. This simple client sets the Accept: application/json and Content-Type: application/json headers by default.

A custom client can be used to connect to the server (eg based on 'request' or 'got').

If address parameter is object it must implement request(data, options) method which returns Promise<string|null|undefined>. If returned value is not empty string it must be JSON. Parameter data if not <null|undefined> must be JSON-serializable object. It is data for send to the server. Parametert options is options for request. At this time it is an object with property method ({ method: <"GET"|"POST">}).


const request = require("request-promise");

// transport protocol client
class TPClient {
	constructor(options) {
		this.client = request.defaults(options);
	async request(data, options = {}) {
		if (data)
			options.body = JSON.stringify(data);
		const res = await this.client(options);
		return res;

const rpcClient = await jsonrpc.client(new TPClient({
		uri: <apiUrl>,
		headers: {
			'Accept': 'application/json',
			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
		agentOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: false }


client.call(name, ...params)

  • name \<string> - the name of the API method to call
  • params - parameters of the called method

Returns: \<Promise>, resolved by the value returned by the called API method, may be rejected with various errors, including errors provided for protocol JSON-RPC 2.0

client.notify(name, ...params)

  • name \<string> - the name of the API method to call
  • params - parameters of the called method

Returns: \<Promise>, undefined is allowed. Can be rejected with various errors, for example, with network errors and with errors provided by the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol (if the server didn't recognize the request as a notification).


Returns: \<Object>

Creates (returns) a wrapper for a batch call

batch.call(name, ...params)
batch.notify(name, ...params)

Returns: \<Object>, wrapper created by batch method

These methods add a request of the appropriate type to the package.


Completes the formation of the request package and initiates the execution of the generated request.

Returns: \<Promise>. If successful, an array of results is returned. Array elements can be the results of API methods, or errors JsonRpcClientError, JsonRpcServerError. The order of the results corresponds to the order of the queries. Entries matching notification are skipped, but may appear as errors if server-side, the request entry was not recognized as a notification (this situation can be recognize by id: null).

client = jsonrpc.client(address, headers, opts)

A method similar to bareClient, but in addition it tries obtaining a description of API methods from the service and creating methods of the same name on the client (if successful). Returns: \<Promise> which is resolved by the generated client. May be rejected with invalid address parameter value.

A wrapper created by the batch method does not have methods created.

If the service API implements the call, notify and/or batch methods, then such methods will not be created on the client and can only be accessed by the base way (client.call('batch', ...)).


njs-jsonrpc-2.0 defines error classes to represent JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol errors. Errors contain the following information:

  code: <string> // string like 'E_JSONRPC20_*'
  no: <number> // numeric error code like -3xxxx, according to the specification
  message: <string> // string describing the error
  • JsonRpcError base class of JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol errors
    • 'E_JSONRPC20', -32000, 'Json RPC 2.0 protocol error' - generic protocol error
  • JsonRpcServerError server errors, as per spec
    • 'EJSONRPC20АPPLICATION_ERROR', -32099, 'Application error' - Errors that occur in the application. Additional information about the error is passed in the 'data' field.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_INVALID_REQUEST', -32600, 'Invalid Request' - The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_METHOD_NOT_FOUND', -32601, 'Method not found' - The method does not exist / is not available.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_INVALID_PARAMS', -32602, 'Invalid params' - Invalid method parameter(s).
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_INTERNAL_ERROR', -32603, 'Internal error' - Internal JSON-RPC error.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_PARSE_ERROR', -32700, 'Parse error' - Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
  • JsonRpcClientError (spec extension) errors occurring on the client side
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_INVALID_RESPONSE', -31600, 'Invalid response' - The JSON sent is not a valid Response object.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_MISMATCHED_IDS', -31601, 'Mmismatched IDs' - Mismatched request and response IDs.
    • 'E_JSONRPC20_RESPONSE_PARSE_ERROR', -31700, 'Response parse error' - Invalid JSON was received by the client. An error occurred on the client while parsing the JSON text.