1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

njsa v1.0.0

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9 years ago


AStore In NodeJS. The astore is Avro Data Store based on Akka.

NJSA include two modules:

  • njsa_api.js
    • NJSAA: AStore standard api/interfaces for njsa
  • njsa.js
    • NJSA: AStore In NodeJS

about AStore to see: https://github.com/wandoulabs/astore


install NJSA package by npm:

$ npm install njsa


1). install astore and run it, see:


2). get astore configure ($ASTORE is install direcotry)

for develop environment:

$ cd $ASTORE/src/main/resources

or in released directory:

$ cd $ASTORE/conf

read these configures:

$ grep -A3 'wandou.astore.web' application.conf
wandou.astore.web {
  interface = ""
  port = 8080

and, try base detect interface (must run astore first)

$ echo `curl -s ''`

3). in nodejs, run samples

change testcase connection arguments to your astore configures:

$ cd njsa/test
$ grep -H -Pne 'astore_options |require\(.*\.option\(' t_*.js
t_njsa.js:12:var astore_options = {addr: {uri: 'http://localhost:8080'}};
t_njsa_api.js:10:var user_centre = require('../njsa_api.js').option({uri: ''}).at('user')
t_njsa_api.js:11:var activities = require('../njsa_api.js').option({uri: ''}).at('activity')

and run it

$ node t_njsa_api.js
$ node t_njsa.js

Base avro schema (and schema define by json/js)

you must initialition astore with a entity schema define. the define must is a record or union type, and putschema to astore(if union, need a fullname argument).


var modelName = 'user'
var centre = require('../njsa_api.js').at(modelName)
var schemaContent = JSON.stringify(require("./schema/demo.js"))
var entityOption = {
  fullname: 'com.wandoujia.astore.demoschema.User',
  timeout: 2*60*60*1000
var callback = function(error, response, body) {}
centre('putschema', schemaContent, entityOption, callback)


NJSA can work at multi-model astore environment, a model stands for a schema and its activities for all entities. a entity is actor in astore runtime(scala actor).


It's command centre, got it by require njsa_api module:

centre = require('../njsa_api.js')

The centre is a function with base command/function call format:

function(modelName, opName, id, ...) // op of <id> in <model>
// or
function(modelName, opName, ...)   // op of <model> in astore

you can re-option it(the options see: nodejs <request> module):

centre = centre.option({
  host: ''

and/or, bind the centre to a model:

centre = centre.at(modelName)

now, next calls will include a default mode name:

function(opName, id, ...) // op of <id> in <model>
// or
function(opName, ...)   // op of <model> in astore


The "./schema/demo.js" file is a schema with js format define(no, it's not json define). so you can require the model and call JSON.stringify() of the result.

the js define need return a object(for arvo RECORD type), or array(for avro UNION type). example:

// export array as union types
module.exports = [ActivityRecord, User];

the ActivityRecord/User is Javascript Object define.


if schema include union type, then must set <fullname> option when putschema. the fullname include full-namespace, example:

var ActivityRecord = {
  name: 'ActivityRecord',
  namespace: "com.wandoujia.astore.demoschema",
  type: 'record', fields: [
    // ...

// export array as union types
module.exports = [ActivityRecord, ...];

for the case, <ActivityRecord> fullname is "com.wandoujia.astore.demoschema.ActivityRecord".


It's nodejs request module callback function, see: nodejs <request> module

if none the argument, njsa_api will use a default callback as console error logger:

function(error, response, body) {
	var c = response && response.statusCode && response.statusCode.toString().charAt(0)
	if (error || (c != '2')) {
		console.log(['[', error, ']'].join(''), response && response.statusCode, body)

NJSAA: standard api/interfaces

the NJSAA module implement full api/interfaces for astore. include:

// op for record
centre(model, 'get',		id)
centre(model, 'put',		id, value)

// op for record with key
centre(model, 'get',		id, key)
centre(model, 'put',		id, key, value)

// op for record with avpath
centre(model, 'select',	id)					 // is select_op with avpath: '.'
centre(model, 'select',	id, avpath)
centre(model, 'update',	id, avpath, value)

// op for Array / Map only. use avpath.
centre(model, 'insert',	id, avpath, value)
centre(model, 'insertall',id, avpath, KVs)
centre(model, 'clear',	id, avpath)
centre(model, 'delete',	id, avpath)

// op for schema
centre(model, 'putschema', schema)
centre(model, 'putschema', schema, params)	// params = {fullname=aString, timeout=aNumber}
centre(model, 'delschema')

// op for script
centre(model, 'putscript', field, scriptid, script)	// <script> is function/string, or object with 'run' property.
centre(model, 'delscript', field, scriptid)	// is 'GET' http_method

AVPATH see: https://github.com/wandoulabs/avpath RESTful-api see: https://github.com/wandoulabs/astore#restful-api

enhanced script support for astore

a script snippet is a "OnUpdate trigger" of entity field/member in astore. the script is full support javascript(see Nashorn javascript and extensions in java8. you can use <putscript> op with a scriptContent block to hook it:

centre(model, 'putscript', field, scriptid, script)

or remove it:

centre(model, 'delscript', field, scriptid)

field argument

script snippet must hook a filed of entity record. when the field updated by any instance of the record, astore will throw a event/callback and call your script snippet.

once tigger will incluced some fileds(multi OnUpdate is merged). so you need check who is changed(but, the NJSA can got current fieldName to help you process it).

scriptid argument

any uniqued string to mark your scriptContent. a script content can invoke more fields, if you can check/tag each filed. but, fieldName+scriptid must unique in global of the astore.

script argument

in astore, script/scriptContent must is string and the content will run into a function context. so, your <putscript> op must submit some lines/statements only.

but NJSA support expanded script snippet/content/environment. you can get enhanced features at the script argument. ex:

// 1. use script line/string
centre(model, 'putscript', fieldName, 'script_1', 'print("Updated.")')

// 2. use function
centre(model, 'putscript', fieldName, 'script_2', function(){

// 3. use a object as custom context, the object has custom properties as variants,
//    and 'run' peroperty will as scriptContent put into astore.
centre(model, 'putscript', fieldName, 'script_3', {
  msg: 'hello, world.'
  name: 'BlackBean'
  run: function(){
    print(name + ' say: ' + msg)

expanded script environment

1) global variant <record> is standard js object in astore native environment, the <record> is warped java object. so you cant direct access any field/properties, only do these:

// in astore native environment
value_1 = record.get('field_a')
value_2 = record.get('field_b')

with NJSA, ex:

// with NJSA
value_1 = record.field_a
value_2 = record.field_b

2) global variant <fields> is standard js object too in astore native environment, the <fields> is array of OnUpdate changeset. so you must enumerate fields to get a field/fieldValue by name. ex:

// in astore native environment
var findFieldName = 'field_b', gotValue
for (i=0; i<fields.length; i++)
  if (fields[i]._1.name() == findFieldName) {
    gotValue = fields[i]._2;
print(findFieldName+': ', gotValue || 'NO FOUND')

with NJSA, you can do these:

// with NJSA
print('field_b: ', fields.field_b || 'NO FOUND')

3) global variant <fieldName> will set to current changed field name in astore native environment, you cant know who changing. so you must put field names into script content in advance. but in NJSA, the <fieldName> is global variant. ex:

// in NJSA
centre(model, 'putscript', 'field_b', 'script_2', function(){
  print(fieldName, 'oldValue: '+fields[fieldName], 'newValue: '+record[fieldName])

4) configurable script content in NJSA, a function or code snippet can invoke any fields, and support configurable arguments. ex:

// in NJSA
function showUpdating() {
  print(fieldName+' changing['+id+']: ', record[fieldName])
  http_get.apply(config.notify_uri + '?' + [
		'id=' + id,
		'oldValue=' + fields[fieldName],
		'newValue=' + record[fieldName]

// now you can invoke any fields with the the script, and notify some web services
var script_1 = {
  config: {
    notify_uri: 'http://localhost:8080/notify'
  run: showUpdating

var script_2 = {
  config: {
    notify_uri: 'http://remote_host_name/notify_from_astore'
  run: showUpdating

centre(model, 'putscript', 'field_a', 'script_2', script_1)
centre(model, 'putscript', 'field_b', 'script_2', script_2)

NJSA: AStore In NodeJS

The NJSA isn't NJSAA. NJSA is a framework support for astore, but NJSAA is standard interfaces.

NJSA work at multi-model environment too, and support custom system environment version.

try run the testcase:

> node node ./t_njsa.js 
astore[user] initializing successed, result: OK
astore[activities] initializing successed, result: OK
astore system core information module initializing successed, result: OK
astore start time: Tue Feb 17 2015 02:08:02 GMT+0800 (CST)
version: 1.0

try run again:

> node node ./t_njsa.js 
astore start time: Tue Feb 17 2015 02:08:02 GMT+0800 (CST)
version: 1.0

so, the framework initializing once run anywhere. and you can check schemas/environment version in astore, or restart/reset it.

put more system information into the environment:

var astore_options = {addr: {uri: 'http://localhost:8080'}};
var astore = require("../njsa.js")(astore_options);

// server_info write/read
astore.server_info('myinfo', 'hi, aimingoo.', function(){
  astore.server_info('myinfo', function(error, response, body){

or get any njsaa instance/model

// work at multi-model
user_centre = astore.workAt('user')
activities_centre = astore.workAt('activities')
system_centre = astore.workAt()

or check system_info schema, and/or load new schema as a new model

// print/recheck system core/framework schema

// schema loader for <putschema> op
new_centre = astore.workAt('test')
new_centre('putschema', astore.schema('./schema/demo.js'))