0.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

njx v0.2.2

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Last release
8 years ago



njx is a template helper for Nunjucks, a rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript. Nunjucks is essentially a port of Jinja2, a templating language for Python.

njx is ideal for when you just want a quick and easy way to render something using input sources and templates that are any combination of

  • strings
  • files
  • urls

You can require it as a module:

npm install njx

or use it as a command line tool:

npm install -g njx

njx command line usage

njx [options] template


The value for template can be a nunjucks template string, a file path, or url. To specify a file path in the current directory, use the form ./template.


-c --config

A file or url to a yaml or json file with supported options, such as data and template. See this yaml gist or this json gist for examples of both.

-d --data

Pipe data to njx or specify data with the -d or --data option. The value for the data option can be a json string, file path, or url. To specify a file path in the current directory, use the form ./filename.

-o --out file

Specify file to write output to. If directories in the file path don't exist, also use the -p --paths option.

-p --paths

Create intermediate directories if necessary when writing to a file.


# pipe input data to the njx command, specifying the template as a string, and append the result to a file
$ '{ "name": "World" }' | njx "Hello {{ name }}" >> hello.txt


# provide template, data, and output options to the njx command
njx -t "Hello {{ name }}" -d '{ "name': "World" }' -o hello.txt


# provide data and template options using URLs, and write to the specified output file
njx -d https://gist.githubusercontent.com/subfuzion/c77cd766397844f1fb28/raw/7f9cb47fea08e957dcb775f92bf46/data.json -t https://gist.githubusercontent.com/subfuzion/006e0d2550881956c1c9/raw/d7732488b5a9bb63830f258c9571d3f849ba494b/hello.nunjucks -o hello.txt


# provide a "render config" option as a url to the njx command, and append the result to a file;
# the render config provides the data and the template (in this example, they are also URLs, which njx will follow)
njx -c https://gist.githubusercontent.com/subfuzion/d0fa251f8b4ab71928e2/raw/fd33beb96524c94b395c63935c701e98f2e72b52/sample-config.yaml -o hello.txt


  var njx = require('njx');
  njx.render(config, callback);

Render Config

An object with at least template and data properties.

  • template - required a template string, filepath, or url
  • data - required a json string, filepath, or url
  • outfile - optional a filename to write the rendered result to; otherwise writes to stdout

The template and data properties interpret strings as a nunjucks template or json string, respectively, unless the string looks like a file path or url. To specify a file in the current working directory, use the form: ./filename.

Usage examples

Basic example

  var njx = require('njx');

  var config = {
    template: 'Hello {{ name }}!',
    data: { name: 'World' }

  njx.render(config, function(err, result) {
    console.log(result); // Hello World

Using file sources

  var njx = require('njx');

  var config = {
    template: './template.nunjucks',
    data: { name: './data.json' }

  njx.render(config, function(err, result) {
    console.log(result); // Hello World

Using url sources (ex: GitHub gists)

  var njx = require('njx'),
  var templateUrl = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/subfuzion/006e0d2550881956c1c9/raw/d7732488b5a9bb63830f258c9571d3f849ba494b/hello.nunjucks';
  var dataUrl = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/subfuzion/c77cd766397844f1fb28/raw/7f9c526ae145e6fb47fea08e957dcb775f92bf46/data.json'

  var config = {
    template: templateUrl,
    data: { name: dataUrl }

  njx.render(config, function(err, result) {
    console.log(result); // Hello World