2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

nn-transformer v2.0.0

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3 years ago


Recursively transforms every marked object in an array or object.

Object Transformations

When passing a value to the transform function any marked objects will be transformed using a transformer function. A marked object is any object with a "*" value. If value of "*" is the name of a transformer then the object will be passed to the transformer function. If the value of "*" is not a named transformer then the default transformer will be used.



  • value: any - The value to transform.
  • configuration: object - The transform configuration. filter (optional): FilterFn | string[] | string - Constraints. maxLevel (optional): number - The maximum depth. Default is 1024. transformer: TransformerFn - Default transformer function. transformers: object - Object containing named TransformerFn.
  • options: object (optional) - Arbitrary object to pass to the transformer function.


  • Params * value: any
  • Returns * boolean - true to accept the value or false if value is unacceptable.


  • Params args: object level: number - Indicates how deep an object will be traversed during the transformation. property: string - The property being transformed. value: any - The value being transformed. options: object - Object of options values passed to the transformer function. transform: ( value: any ) => any - Use to transform a nested value.
  • Returns * any - The transformed value.

Build-in Transformers

  • *map * This transformer will transform nested values.
  • *raw * This transformer will return the object without any transformations, including nested objects. This transformer is also useful for filtering out values.


import { transform } from 'nn-transformer';

let configuration =
	transformer ( { level, property, value, options, transform } )
		return options[ value.prop ];
		"A": ( { value, options } ) => ( options[ value.prop ] )

await transform( 123, configuration );
// No effect, returns 123

// Array
await transform( [ 123, 456, { "*": "*raw", value: 789 } ], configuration );
// Returns [ 123, 456, { value: 789 } ]

// Object (using transformer function)
await transform( { "A": "ABC", "B": { "*": "A", "prop": "DEF" } }, configuration, { "DEF": 123 } );
// Returns { "A": "ABC", "B": 123 }

// Object (uses default transformer because there is no transformer named '*')
await transform( { "A": "ABC", "B": { "*": "*", "prop": "DEF" } }, configuration, { "DEF": 123 } );
// Returns { "A": "ABC", "B": 123 }

// Object (filter values)
let data =
	"A": "ABC",
	"B": { "*": { "transformer": "*raw", "filter": "B", "value": "DEF" } }, // Note: The value will replace this object.
	"C": { "*": { "transformer": "*raw", "filter": "C", "value": "GHI" } },
	"D": { "*": { "transformer": "*raw", "filter": "D", "*": "JKL" } } // Note: The '*' value will replace the '*' object.

let configuration =
	filter: [ 'B', 'D' ]

await transform( data, configuration );
// Returns { "A": "ABC", "B": "DEF", "D": { "*": "JKL" } }

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago