0.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

noauthjs v0.2.2

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Last release
8 years ago


Simple NodeJS oAuth library


  • Client credentials authentication
  • User credentials authentication
  • Scope based authentiaction


  • Express (npm version (npm version 4.14.0+)
  • body-parser (npm version 1.15.2+)


  • Install using npm npm install noauthjs --save


Create a config file

See the example config file

In app usage

See the example application file

const authServer = require('noauthjs');

authServer is a singleton so don't try to create a new instance of it.
If you need to require it in multiple files, just do so. Since it is a singleton you will always get the same object (instance).


const authServer = require('noauthjs');
const serverConfig = require('./auth.config');

    let project = authServer.getProject('someProject'); // project_id

    app.all('/access-token', authServer.accessTokenHandler);
    app.get('/token-info', authServer.tokenInfo);

    app.get('/protected-resource', authServer.authenticateScopes('loggedin'), (req, res)=>{
        res.json({protected: 'resource'});

    app.listen(3000, function () {
        console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');

    // handle authServer init error

Public methods and variables

authServer methods and variables

*m* initServer(config)

Initilizes the oauth server.
Creates or updates (if already exists in mongodb) projects, clients, scopes definded in config file.
Creates a connection to mongodb using mongoose.
Returns a promise (bluebird)

*m* getProject(project_id)

Creates an instance of AuthProject class, which provides methods and variables described below. The object is filled with data from database, which is an asynchronous process. To be sure the object has accurate data and is ready to use, use the ready() function which is described below in project methods.
Returns an object (instace of AuthProject)

*v* accessTokenHandler

accessTokenHandler is a getter which returns a callback function for express router, which takes req, res as parameters.

e.g. app.all('/access-token', authServer.accessTokenHandler);


	url: "http://your.domain/access-token" // or any other address you specify in the router
	method: "POST", // DELETE to revoke a token
	headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
		"Authorization": "Basic btoa('client_id:client_secret')" // btoa is javascript function encodes a string to base64, btoa is just an example, use wahatever you want, just provide valid base64
	body: {
		"grant_type": "client_credentials", // client_credentials | user_credentials | facebook_token | google_token | refresh_token
		"login": "someLogin", // only if grant_type == user_credentials
		"password": "somePassword", // only if grant_type == user_credentials
		"refresh_token": "someRefreshToken", // only if grant_type == refresh_token
		"access_token": "someFacebookAccessToken", // only if grant_type == facebook_token 
		"id_token": "someGoogleIdToken", // only if grant_type == google_token 


Success response

  "access_token": "5d7112256d68ddbbaa9a11f57bf2a6c229ba3d838b5e210a4448f2cbbe7df756",
  "refresh_token": "bba9271f7977f8a99e3f4ee4ea215388e7a792289fc96d5e80c6c717b24045ed",
  "expires_in": 3599,
  "token_type": "bearer"

Error response

If a client provides wrong client_id or cleint_secret error response is generated as shown below, with statuc code 401

  "message": "Unauhtorized",
  "description": "Invalid client credentials"

If you get any other error one of us messed something up

Request for revoking/deleting access token (log out)

	url: "http://your.domain/access-token" // or any other address you specify in the router
	method: "DELETE",
	headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
		"Authorization": "Bearer someAccessTokenYouWantToRevoke"

*v* tokenInfo

tokenInfo is a getter which returns a callback function for express router, which takes req, res as parameters.

e.g. app.get('/token-info', authServer.tokenInfo);


	url: "http://your.domain/token-info" // or any other address you specify in the router
	method: "GET",
	headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
		"Authorization": "Bearer someAccessToken"

Success response

  "uuid": null,
  "access_token": "11bbe68648de8598a3b00e9ee709458fe0919e176609ea813b5e0c4a1837e87d",
  "refresh_token": "e9db3cbe000630c04c9cbbbfcca8a44399ccbc6e0c7d8a671d5a325930bc06bf",
  "expires_in": 3575,
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "scopes": [
  "grant": "client_credentials"

"uuid": null, // null if access is granted by client_credentials, Number if access granted by user_credentials

Error response

If a client provides wrong client_id or cleint_secret error response is generated as shown below, with statuc code 401

  "message": "Unauhtorized",
  "description": "Invalid access_token"

If you get any other error one of us messed something up

*m* authenticateScopes(scopes)

is a function which takes array of project_id as paramerer and returns a callback function for middleware of express router, which takes req, res, next as parameters.


app.get('/protected-resource', authServer.authenticateScopes('loggedin'), (req, res)=>{
    res.json({protected: 'resource'});

When a resource which is protected with authenticateScopes(scopes) middleware is requested, bearer access token is checked from request headers.


	url: "http://your.domain/protected-resource" // or any other address you specify in the router
	method: "GET", // or any other method
	headers: {
		"Authorization": "Authorization accessToken"

Success response

  "protected": "resource"

Error response

If access token provided is invalid (wrong token, expired token, ...) or user doesn't have required scopes for a resource response with status code 401 is returned

example of error response

  "message": "Forbidden",
  "description": "Required scope missing"

Project methods

*m* createUser(userConfig)

Creates (registers) a user with login information and scopes provided in userConfig

userConfig example

  login: 'stevik', 
  password: 'heslo',
  scopes: ['loggedin', 'anotherScope'] // provide scopes only if you want to override project's default_registration_scopes

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or gets rejected with an AuthError
If user already exists error has statusCode 409

*m* getUserByAccessToken(accessToken)

Parameter accessToken => String => 'Bearer some_access_token' || 'some_access_token' Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* getUserByLogin(login)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* getUserByUuid(uuid)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* getUserByLoginAndPassword(login, password)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* changeUserLogin(uuid, newLogin)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* changeUserPassword(uuid, newPassword)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* addUserScopes(uuid, scope_ids)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* removeUserScopes(uuid, scope_ids)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user

*m* deleteUserByUuid(uuid)

Returns a promise which resolves with a bool values, true if successfuly deleted, false if user you tried to delete was not found in database

*m* updateUserPasswordLogin(uuid, newLogin, newPassword)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user, promise can be rejected if provided newLogin is already used by another account (statusCode: 409)

*m* updateUserSocialFacebook(uuid, facebook_access_token)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user, promise can be rejected if provided facebook_access_token is incorrect (statusCode: 400) or the facebook user is already registered with another account (statusCode: 409)

*m* updateUserSocialGoogle(uuid, google_id_token)

Returns a promise which resolves with an instance of AuthUser class or null if there is no such user, promise can be rejected if provided google_id_token is incorrect (statusCode: 400) or the google user is already registered with another account (statusCode: 409)

AuthUser public methods and variable

*v* uuid

*v* login

*v* password

*v* project

*v* scopes

*v* scopeObjectIds

*v* projectObjectId

*m* changeLogin(newLogin)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user

*m* changePassword(newPassword)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user

*m* addScopes(scope_ids)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user

*m* removeScopes(scope_ids)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user

*m* updatePasswordLogin(newLogin, newPassword)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user

*m* updateSocialFacebook(facebook_access_token)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user, promise can be rejected if provided facebook_access_token is incorrect (statusCode: 400) or the facebook user is already registered with another account (statusCode: 409)

*m* updateSocialGoogle(google_id_token)

Returns a promise which resolves with an already existing instance of AuthUser with updated data class or null if you tried to change an unexisting user, promise can be rejected if provided google_id_token is incorrect (statusCode: 400) or the google user is already registered with another account (statusCode: 409)

Explanation of terms (with examples)


An app (web, phone, ...) which accesses and provides server resources to a resource owner (user).


Servers as a wrapper for clients and users, so you don't have to register a user in each client separatly.


Scopes let's you divide resources into multiple groups. After the authentication via client credentials or user credentials certain scopes are granted to a user.

Grant types

Grant types lets you specify different authentication methods.

Currently supported grantypes are:

  • clientcredentials (uses clientid and client_secret for the authentication)
  • usercredentials (uses login and password for the authentication)_
  • facebooktoken (uses facebook accesstoken for the authentication (and registration))
  • googletoken (uses google idtoken for the authentication (and registration))
  • refreshtoken (uses refreshtoken for genereting new access_token and refresh_token)


Access token

Each request to oauth protected resource has to contain a Bearer access token
e.g. "Authorization": "Bearer some_token"
Validity of a access token is currently set to 3600 seconds.

Refresh token

If a client permits to refresh token, the token can be used to generate new access_token and refresh_token


  • Found a bug? Create an issue
  • For anything elese, drop me an email stefan@stefankrajnik.com

8 years ago


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8 years ago