0.8.1 • Published 6 years ago

noctis-dev-utils v0.8.1

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Last release
6 years ago


This package includes some utilities used by Noctis.

Usage in Noctis Projects

These utilities come by default with Noctis, which includes it by default. You don’t need to install it separately in Noctis projects.

Usage Outside of Noctis

If you don’t use Noctis, or if you, you may keep using these utilities. Their development will be aligned with Noctis, so major versions of these utilities may come out relatively often. Feel free to fork or copy and paste them into your projects if you’d like to have more control over them, or feel free to use the old versions.

Entry Points

There is no single entry point. You can only import individual top-level modules.

createCompiler(webpack: Function, config: Object, emitter: EventEmitter): WebpackCompiler

Creates a Webpack compiler instance. Takes the require('webpack') entry point as the first argument and the webpack.config.js as the second. The emitter must be an instance of require('EventEmitter'). It emits some events during compilation:

  • emitter.emit('invalid', data: Object)
data = {
  target: String, // server, client
  • emitter.emit('done', data: Object)
data = {
  target: String, // server, client
  errors: Array, // array of possible compile errors
  warnings: Array, // array of possible compile warnings
  duration: Number, // how long the build take in milliseconds

createServerProcess(pathToServer: String): Object

Returns an object that contains to functions to control a forked process.

  • start: create a forked process of the passed pathToServer
  • stop: kills the forked process so it can be restarted
const createServerProcess = require('noctis-dev-utils/createServerProcess')
const serverProcess = createServerProcess('../build/server')

// After compile

// Before recompile

getServerSettings(): Promise<object | null>

Returns a Promise resolving to an object containing the protocol, host and port and portDev that are defined in the process.env or the ports selected by the prompt if the user confirms it is okay to do. If the port is taken and the user has refused to use another port, or if the terminal is not interactive and can’t present user with the choice, resolves to null.

const getServerSettings = require('noctis-dev-utils/getServerSettings')

getServerSettings().then(settings => {
  // Do whatever you need the settings for


  • logger.log(thing: any): void: Log to console. = console.log
  • logger.start(text: string): void: Log the start of a task to console
  • logger.done(text: string): void: Log the end of task to console
  • logger.info(text: string, data: object): void: Log information and data to console
  • logger.debug(text: string, data: object): void: Log debug message and data to console
  • logger.warn(text: string, data: object): void: Log a warning with message and data to console
  • logger.error(text: string, err: object): void: Log a message and an error to console

printInstructions(appName: String, urls: Object): void

Takes a string for the appName to tell your name on the message. To provide the urls argument, use prepareUrls() from require(react-dev-tools). Please take a look at their documentation. It prints a message to the console containing the local, and network url.

const printInstructions = require('noctis-dev-utils/printInstructions')

// after compile
printInstructions('my-noctis-app', prepareUrls())


This is an alternative client for WebpackDevServer that shows a syntax error overlay.

It currently supports only Webpack 3.x.

// Webpack development config
module.exports = {
  // ...
  entry: [
    // You can replace the line below with these two lines if you prefer the
    // stock client:
    // require.resolve('webpack-dev-server/client') + '?/',
    // require.resolve('webpack/hot/dev-server'),
  // ...

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago