0.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

node-a2conf v0.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago


node-a2conf is a JavaScript module which provides an easy way to configure apache2.

npm package version number License


Install dependencies

Install dependencies with npm:

npm i


Test the code with Jest framework:

npm run test

Note: This package uses husky, pinst and commitlint to automatically execute test and lint commit message before every commit.


Build production (distribution) files in the dist folder:

npm run build

It generates CommonJS (in dist/cjs folder), ES Modules (in dist/esm folder), as well as TypeScript declaration files (in dist/types folder).


Read and parse from a configuration file

const { fromFile } = require('node-a2conf');

const root = await fromFile('example.conf');

for (const vhost of root.children('VirtualHost')) {

Read and parse from a text string

const { fromText } = require('node-a2conf');

const root = await fromText(`<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAdmin postmaster@example.com
  ServerName example.com
  ServerAlias www.example.com example.example.com
  ServerAlias x.example.com
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/example.com
  SSLEngine On

root.findVHost('example.com')?.set('SSLEngine', 'Off')


Create a new configuration

const { Node } = require('node-a2conf');

const root = new Node();
const vhost = root.insert('<VirtualHost *:80>');
vhost.insert('ServerName example.net');
vhost.insert('DocumentRoot /var/www/examplenet/');
vhost.insert('ServerAlias www.example.net', 'servername');

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName example.net
    ServerAlias www.example.net
    DocumentRoot /var/www/examplenet/




Returns true if this node opens section, e.g <VirtualHost> or <IfModule>.


Returns true if this node closes section.

add(child: Node)

Append child to node.

addRaw(raw: string)

Append string as child to node.

insert(childNode: Node | string, afterNode?: Node | string)

Insert child after another node.

set(name: string, value: string)

Set the value of a property given its name. If multiple properties with the same name are in the node, they will all be replaced.


Returns the open tag, e.g <VirtualHost>.


Returns the open tag, e.g </VirtualHost>.

filter(pattern: RegExp | string)

Returns children matching a pattern.

children(name?: string, { recursive } = { recursive: false })

Returns children matching name. Set recursive to true to search for nested nodes as well.

first(name: string, { recursive } = { recursive: false })

Returns the first child matching a name. Set recursive to true to search for nested nodes as well.

extend(n: Node)

Extends a node with another node.

readText(text: string)

Parses raw text and replace all content from that node with the newly parsed content.

readFile(fileName: string)

Parses a file and replace all content from that node with the newly parsed content.

writeFile(fileName: string)

Dumps the content of a node as a string into a file.

dump(depth = 0)

Dumps the content of a node as a string. Set depth to the base number of spaces to append on each line.


Returns the node name as a string.


Deletes the node from its parent.

findVHost(hostname: string, arg?: string)

Helper function to find a VHost given its name and optional arguments. Returns a Node or null if no VHost matches the parameters.

fromText(text: string, props?: NodeProps)

Reads and parses a file then returns a Node object.

fromFile(fileName: string, props?: NodeProps)

Parses a raw text string then returns a Node object.
