0.0.58 • Published 12 years ago

node-arrow v0.0.58

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Last release
12 years ago



Arrow is a test framework designed to promote test-driven JavaScript development. Arrow provides a consistent test creation and execution environment for both Developers and Quality Engineers.

Arrow aims to completely remove the line between development’s Unit tests, and Functional and Integration tests by providing a uniform way to create and execute both.

Arrow itself is a thin, extensible layer that marries JavaScript, NodeJS, PhantomJS and Selenium. Arrow allows you to write tests using YUI-Test and execute those tests using NodeJS, PhantomJS or Selenium. Additionally, Arrow provides a rich mechanism for building, organizing and executing test and test scenarios.


--help display this help page --version display installed arrow version --lib comma separated list of js files needed by the test --page path to the mock or production html page, for example: http://www.yahoo.com or mock.html --driver selenium|phantomjs|browser. (default: phantomjs) --browser firefox|chrome|opera|reuse. Specify browser version with a hypen, ex.: firefox-4.0 or opera-11.0 (default: firefox) --controller a custom controller javascript file --reuseSession true/false. Specifies whether to run tests in existing sessions managed by selenium. Visit http://selenuim_host/wd/hub to setup sessions (default: false) --report true/false. Creates report files in junit and json format, and also prints a consolidated test report summary on console --testName comma separated list of test names defined in test descriptor. all other tests will be ignored --group comma separated list of groups defined in test descriptor, all other groups will be ignored --logLevel DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL (default: INFO) --dimension a custom dimension file for defining ycb contexts --context name of ycb context


Below are some examples to help you get started.

###Unit test: arrow --lib=../src/greeter.js test-unit.js

###Unit test with a mock page: arrow --page=testMock.html --lib=./test-lib.js test-unit.js

###Unit test with selenium: arrow --page=testMock.html --lib=./test-lib.js --driver=selenium test-unit.js

###Integration test: arrow --page=http://www.hostname.com/testpage --lib=./test-lib.js test-int.js

###Integration test: arrow --page=http://www.hostname.com/testpage --lib=./test-lib.js --driver=selenium test-int.js

###Custom controller: arrow --controller=custom-controller.js --driver=selenium

##Arrow Dependencies

glob https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob mockery https://github.com/nathanmacinnes/Mockery nopt https://github.com/isaacs/nopt colors https://github.com/Marak/colors.js express https://github.com/visionmedia/express yui http://github.com/yui/yui3 JSV http://github.com/garycourt/JSV log4js https://github.com/nomiddlename/log4js-node clone https://github.com/pvorb/node-clone useragent https://github.com/3rd-Eden/useragent ytestrunner https://github.com/gotwarlost/ytestrunner

Apart from above mentioned npm modules, Arrow also relies on these two projects

selenium https://code.google.com/p/selenium/ ghostdriver https://github.com/detro/ghostdriver