node-aws-lambda-deploy v0.0.5
Usage: aws-lambda-deploy Deploy Lambda function(s) to AWS
options: -r|--region AWS region (eu-west-1) -h|--help
functions: List of function folders to deploy to AWS. The release will be built as, and left in the folder, overwriting all previous zip files
function configs: Each function folder should contain a deployment config file, called deployConf.js, which looks like this: module.exports = { ReleaseFiles: 'FILES_TO_DEPLOY (app.js)', DevModules: 'NODE_MODULES_TO_EXCLUDE', Lamda: { FunctionName: 'AWS_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME', Handler: 'LAMBDA_APP_HANDLER_NAME (app.handler)', Role: 'LAMBDA_ROLE_NAME', MemorySize: LAMBDA_MEMORY_SIZE (128), Timeout: LAMBDA_TIMEOUT (3) } }
AWS credentials should be configured in ~/.aws/credentials as such: default aws_access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_ID aws_secret_access_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY