1.0.1 • Published 10 years ago

node-bertrpc v1.0.1

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Last release
10 years ago

This is a BERT-RPC server and client library for node.js http://nodejs.org/, the V8 based evented IO framework.

BERT-RPC is a schemaless binary remote procedure call protocol by Tom Preston-Werner, based on the BERT (Binary ERlang Term) serialization format.

See http://bert-rpc.org/ for more information about BERT and BERT-RPC, including additional language implementations.

The bert.js library was taken from Rusty Klophaus's BERT-JS project: http://github.com/rklophaus/BERT-JS but has been modified quite a bit at this point.


This package is lightly maintained in hopes somebody finds it useful.


node.js must be installed and available on your PATH before continuing. It's trivial:

cd /tmp
curl -L http://bit.ly/nodejs | tar xvzf -
cd node-*
./configure PREFIX=/usr/local
make && sudo make install


Once you have node installed, grab a clone of the node-bertrpc git repo

$ git clone git://github.com/znull/node-bertrpc
$ cd node-bertrpc
$ node examples/helloworld.js
  <--  exposing: say [funs: hello, echo]

Leave that there and then run the example client in a separate shell:

$ node examples/helloclient.js

You should see something like the following output from the server:

  -->   connect
  -->   30: {call, say, hello, []}
  <--   21: {reply, <<"hello">>}
  -->   45: {call, say, echo, [<<"Hello World">>]}
  <--   33: {reply, [<<"Hello World">>]}
  -->   85: {call, say, echo, [[{foo, <<"bar">>}, {bar, <<"baz">>}], 21]}
  <--   73: {reply, [[{foo, <<"bar">>}, {bar, <<"baz">>}], 21]}
  -->   eof
  <--   close

Connect with the Ruby BERT-RPC client (or any other BERT-RPC client) to play at a REPL:

$ sudo gem install bertrpc -s http://gemcutter.org/
$ irb -rubygems -rbertrpc
>> service = BERTRPC::Service.new('localhost', 7000)
>> service.call.say.echo('hello', 'world', { 'foo' => %w[bar baz bizle] })
=> ["hello", "world", {:foo=>["bar", "baz", "bizzle"]}]


Require the "bertrpc" lib and expose objects:

var rpc = require('bertrpc');
rpc.expose('hello', {
   add: function (a, b) {
      return a + b;
   subtract: function (a, b) {
      return a - b;

rpc.listen(7001, 'localhost');

Start the node server by running your script directly:

node yourstuff.js

That exposes a BERT-RPC module named "hello" with two remotely callable functions: "add" and "subtract" but you can pass any object to expose to make all of its functions available.


The BERT-RPC client library is still very experimental and likely to change significantly:

var sys = require('sys'),
    rpc = require('bertrpc');
rpc.connect(7001, 'localhost', function (service) {
   sys.puts("client calling the add fun in the hello module");
   service.call('hello', 'add', [1, 2], function (result) {
      sys.puts("client received response: " + sys.inspect(result));
      // do something useful


The bert.js library includes functions for encoding, decoding, and getting a formatting string representation of BERT objects.

Get in a REPL:

$ NODE_PATH=./src node-repl
Welcome to the Node.js REPL.
Enter ECMAScript at the prompt.
node> bert = require('bert');

bert.encode serializes an object graph as a BERT:

node> holabert = bert.encode('hello')
node> sys.puts(bert.bin_repr(holabert))

bert.decode deserializes a BERT, creating an object graph:

node> bert.decode("\u0083m\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0005hello")


The tests have been converted to use nodeunit. Make sure it is installed and available in your path, then run nodeunit test/test_* to execute the tests.


CODE: git clone git://github.com/znull/node-bertrpc.git HOME: http://github.com/znull/node-bertrpc/ BUGS: http://github.com/znull/node-bertrpc/issues COPY: See the file COPYING (it's MIT)