0.1.5 • Published 10 years ago

node-bosh-xmpp-client v0.1.5

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Last release
10 years ago



Are you using node-xmpp for XMPP? But get blocked by coorperate firewalls? Then node-bosh-xmpp is API compatible with node-xmpp and gives you the ability to use XMPP over a standard HTTP port.

Credits go to Anoopc

I was looking for a BOSH XMPP client for node and came accross Anoop's node-xmpp-via-bosh implementation. His code was not completely working for me so I forked his code and fixed the issue I was having. I wanted to be able to specify the URL of the BOSH server and I also had some issues with the authorization proces.

Installation instructions

npm install node-bosh-xmpp-client

Code instructions

Following you will find the documentation from Anoop which I updated to reflect my changes:

It is inspired by node-xmpp (https://github.com/astro/node-xmpp) and xmppjs(http://github.com/mwild1/xmppjs) and it is API compatible with node-xmpp (except for the constructor).

It is an xmpp library which lets you establish a persistent session to xmpp server via a bosh-server and communicate willingly.

Documentation for API

  • Constructor: Client(jid, password, bosh, route)

          *jid*       : [String] jabber id of user (e.g. `user@example.com/office`)  
          *password*  : [String] password  
          *bosh*      : [String] url of the bosh-server (e.g. `http://localhost:5280/http-bind/`)  
          *route*     : [String] route attribute [if used] for connecting to xmpp server  
      Return Value:  
          new Client Object having following properties:  
    	1. Event-emitter for the following events
    			Event-listener: `function callback()`
    			Event-listener: `function callback(exception)`
    			`exception[String]` is the description of error
    			Event-listener: `function callback(condition)`
    			`condition[String]` is the description of reason for being offline
    			Event-listener: `function callback(stanza)`
    			`stanza[Object]` is the ltx xml element.
    	2. Function: `send(stanza)`
    		enqueues the stanza into the pending array to be sent to bosh-server on next Tick
    			*stanza* : [Object] ltx xml Element object
    	3. Function: `sendMessage(to, body, type = "chat")`
    		sends a message 'body' to jid 'to' with type set to 'type'
    			*to*   : [String] jid of receiver(e.g. `myfriend@example.com/home`)
    			*body* : [String] message to be sent
    			*type* : [String] should only be among the permitted values of `type` for xmpp message stanza
    	4. Function: `disconnect()`
    		sends immediately any pending stanzas, ends the stream by sending terminate packet.
  • Constructor Element(xname, attrs)

    		alias to `ltx.Element` Constructor
  • Function: $build(xname, attrs)

    		an alias for `new ltx.Element(xname, attrs)`
    			*xname* : [string] name for the xml element
    			*attrs* : [Object] containing all the attributes to set up
    		Return value:
    			a new ltx.Element object
  • Function: $msg(attrs)

    		an alias for `new ltx.Element("message", attrs)`
    			*attrs* : [Object] containing all the attributes to set up
    		Return value:
    			a new ltx.Element object
  • Function: $iq(attrs)

    		an alias for `new ltx.Element("iq", attrs)`
    			attrs : [Object] containing all the attributes to set up
    		Return value:
    			a new ltx.Element object
  • Function: $pres(attrs)

    		an alias for `new ltx.Element("presence", attrs)`
    			*attrs* : [Object] containing all the attributes to set up
    		Return value:
    			a new ltx.Element object

    Function: setNoMoreResponse() Artificially set the OVER state in order to no longer answer or send on this connection. This is useful if you are taking the rid/jid/sid to another connection and need this one to stop being 'active' at that time.

  • Function: setLogLevel(logLevel)

    		sets the logLevel for module (use only when in serious problem i.e. debug mode).
    			*logLevel* : [String] permissible values:
    			       *FATAL*	:	displays nothing [default]
    				   *ERROR*	:	displays error messages
    				   *INFO*	:	informs about important events
    				   *DEBUG*	:	prints each packet sent and received

Shout outs

Shout outs go to the Webinos project. They provided the time and need to make this fix.


10 years ago


13 years ago


13 years ago