0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago
node-builtins-mocks v0.1.0
Generates mocks for all node-builtins. Builtins are modules such as fs, url, path, and http.
Because I'm lazy, and writing this:
const generateMocks = require('node-builtins-mocks');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mocks = generateMocks(sinon.stub);
is faster than writing this:
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mocks = {
fs: {
readdir: sinon.stub(),
createReadStream: sinon.stub()
os: {
platform: sinon.stub()
crypto: {
createHash: sinon.stub()
# install and persist to "devDependencies" in package.json
npm i node-builtins-mocks -D
basic usage example
Below we use sinon.stub, but you can pass any function to be used as a stub generator:
// we will use the stub method from sinon as a stub generator for mocks
const sinon = require('sinon');
// this function will allow us to generate all the mocks we need...
const generateMocks = require('node-builtins-mocks')
// .. and now we have some mocks that we can configure
const mocks = generateMocks(sinon.stub);
// make the "fs.readdir" mock return data
mocks.fs.readdir.yields(null, ['index.html', 'favicon.ico']);
// or make dns lookups fail
mocks.dns.resolve.yields(new Error('EADDRNOTAVAIL'));
advanced usage example
Bear in mind, this is just an example of usage, if you don't like proxyquire
, or sinon
for testing you can use different mocking modules or
is a neat module for stubbing dependencies during testing. Here's
an example of how we can mock out the fs
module using node-builtins-mocks
and proxyquire
Here's our module:
const fs = require('fs'); // we're going to stub this out for tests
const path = require('path');
// read all files in a directory and return those with a given extension
module.exports = function (dir, extension) {
return fs.readdirSync(dir).filter((filename) => {
return path.extname(filename) === extension;
And a test for it:
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const mocks = require('node-builtins-mocks')(sinon.stub);
const assert = require('assert');
var getFiles = proxyquire('./get-files-in-directory-with-extension.js', {
// proxyquire will inject this fs stub instead of the real fs module when
// get-files-in-directory-with-extension.js calls "require('fs')"
fs: mocks.fs
describe('get-files', function () {
it('should return 2 .js files', function () {
// make our stub return a fake file list
mocks.fs.readdirSync.returns(['a.html', 'b.js', 'c.js']);
// call function that relies on our fs.readdirSync stub
const files = getFiles('./', '.js');
// only .js files should have been returned as per our stub
assert.equal(files.length, 2);
assert.deepEqual(files, ['b.js', 'c.js']);
8 years ago