node-color-console-debugger v1.0.2
This is as lightweight and customizable debugger-tools for node.js that utilizes the terminal and the native colors that exists within the terminal.
The purpose of this console debugger is to help the developer easier find the code that they are debugging with easy customizable colors.
require the pkg
const lineToDebugg = require('node-console-debugger');
lineToDebugg.debugg("debugg code");
the code
in the index.js there is only one function with a colors object that contains some options:
then within the else statement you'll find this line of code:
console.log(colors.fg.Black,, code, colors.Reset);
1) first arg set debugg text color
2) second arg set debugg background color
3) third args is the line thats being debugged
4) resets the console to normal
No dependencies!
Open source feel free to do what-ever
made by 2lach 2018