1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

node-config-schema v1.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago



  • Define schema for configuration files
  • Validate configuration files for type errors
  • Recursive check, allowing any nested level
  • Generates type declaration for typescript and injects them into your code
  • Typescript definitions included


$ npm install --save node-config-schema


node-config-schema lets you define a schema for your configuration files. This ensures that you have no surprises in your application during runtime, any property with the wrong type is caught during the initialization of the app.

Furthermore node-config-schema can generate typescript type definitions for your schema and even inject them into your code, keeping them up to date.

It wraps around the popular node package config so it offers all the customization of it such as:

  • Merging multiple config files
  • Loading config files based on the environment
  • Config files written in .yml .yaml .xml .coffee .cson .properties .json, .json5 .hjson .ts .js

Quick Start

This guide assumes you are already familiar with config package and know how it works. If not, you should read their quick guide first.

This guide is also written in typescript, but can be easily adjusted for js.

import  TConfig,{TBoolean, TNumber, TObject, TString,TAny} from "node-config-schema"

    database: {
        hosts: [TString],
        credentials: {
            auth: TBoolean,
            user: TString,
            pass: TString,
    //Array of objects with a property 'x' that is an array of arrays of numbers
    matrix: [{x:[[TNumber]]}],

const config=TConfig.instance.parseConfig();
Import JS:
const {TConfig,TNumber,TBoolean,TAny}=require("node-config-schema");


  1. First you need to initialize TConfig by calling TConfig.create and passing it your schema.
  2. Retrieve the singleton instance using TConfig.instance
  3. Start the parsing process with parseConfig()
  4. parseConfig() returns your configuration object, just as config would have, type checked and validated. No surprises!

TConfig will parse the config files using config package and check each property of each object and each item of each array, making sure they fulfill the schema defined by you.

How to define a schema:

A schema is defined using a combination of nested objects and TTypes.

TTypes include: TNumber,TBoolean,TString,TArray,TObject,TAny

These TTypes are functions that can be passed to the schema as they are such as:

    x: TNumber,

Or pass the result of the function.

    x: TNumber(),
    y: TString(true),

Every TType function has an optional optional parameter. If this parameter is set to true, TConfig will treat the config property as optional, and will not throw an error if left undefined.

For simplicity TArray can be passed to the schema as an array [], with the only item being the optional nested schema [TSchema].

    x: TString,
    same as
    x: TString(),
    same as
    x: TString(false),
    y: Array,
    same as
    y: [],
    same as 
    y: Array()
   same as

Read API Documentation for more examples.


node-config-schema is designed using the singleton design, meaning there can only be one instance of it, that will be created using the create method. This design choice has been made due to the nature of the config package.



This is the base singleton class.


create(schema: TSchema, configDir?: string)

This method initializes the TConfig class with the given schema. Optionally you can pass the path to the dir of the configuration files. It will be passed to the config package using process.env.


Parses and returns the configurations object. Will throw an error on the first occurrence of a property that does not fulfill the schema.


Retrieve the TConfig instance. This is a getter.


Definition of schema type.


TType(optional?: boolean)

Functions describing the type of the key they are assigned to.

Can be passed as functions, or the result of their call can be passed.

Every TType function has an optional optional parameter. If this parameter is set to true, TConfig will treat the config property as optional, and will not trow an error if this is left undefined.


Same as the other TTypes.

TObject can be any object, including an array or an empty object {}.

TAny can be anything except null and undefined


TArray(optional?: boolean,nestedSchema?: TSchema)

Same as the other TTypes except this type has an additional optional parameter describing its nested schema. Every member of the array is checked to fulfill this schema. If nestedSchema is omitted, TConfig will only check that this is an array.

For simplicity TArray can be passed to the schema as an array, with the only item of this array being the optional nested schema.

    //Same as:
    //same as

Injecting type definitions for typescript

node-config-schema can also generate type definitions for your schema and inject them into your code. This is important for typescript developers, as they can benefit from IDE functions when the IDE can understand the types your schema returns.

Setting this up is straight-forward.

File src/Config.ts

import  TConfig,{TBoolean, TNumber, TObject, TString,TAny} from "node-config-schema"


	database: {
		hosts: [TString],
		credentials: {
			auth: TBoolean,
			user: TString,
			pass: TString,


File package.json

  "name": "your-project",
  "scripts": {
    "inject-types": "tconfig-inject inject ./src/Config.ts",
    "print-types": "tconfig-inject print ./src/Config.ts"


$ npm run inject-types

The lib will attempt to find your schema, interpret it and inject it bellow //config_types comment as follows:

type ConfigType={
	database: {
		hosts: [string],
		credentials: {
			auth: boolean,
			user: string,
			pass: string,

The script attempts to replace a previous version of the types first. If it cannot find one, it will inject the new types bellow the //config_types comment. If the comment is absent, it will inject the types at the end of the file.


tconfig-inject cmd filePath


  • print only prints type definitions
  • inject attempts to inject them

filePath can be relative to the project root using ./relative-path or absolute.


In order to find your schema declaration, the script tries to find the string sequence TConfig.create(. If you import TConfig under a different name, the parser will not be able to find your declaration.

Also the parser finds the old version of your type declaration by searching for type ConfigType= so don't modify it either.