1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
node-custom-tlv v1.0.0
- tlv-lib for parsing custom tlb buffers or strings into jsons
- библиотека для парсинга собственных tlv строк/буфферов в формат json
Prerequisites || Необходимые условия
Убедитесь, что у вас установлен node.js Make sure that yoy globally install node.js https://nodejs.org/en/
Usage || как использовать:
- npm install node-custom-tlv
- next import lib
- then customize settings object for parse
- to define labels - be careful to define tags with it nested properties
if "00A6" tag has nested propeties, it has {nested: true} in dictionary object. As a result we will parse chickensLevel : { chickenLevelId : {...}, specChickenName: { ...}} structure.
"baseTagLength: 2" - the byte symbols length in tlv string will be "0002" - 2. If you want write "02" - define "1"
- "baseLengthTlvLength" - 1 byte for define tlv length. You can change it/
- customByteLengths - custom lengths bytes. If you need
const NodeCustomTlv = require("NodeCustomTlv")
const tagDictionary = {
"0002": { name: "hoddog" },
"0003": { name: "hotchicken" },
"0004": { name: "codeChicken" },
"0081": { name: "errorChicken" },
"00A5": { name: "chickencount" },
"00A6": {
name: "chickensLevel",
nested: true
"00A6-0001": { name: "chickenLevelId" },
"00A6-0002": { name: "specChickenName" },
"00A6-0003": { name: "hotDogPort" }
const settings = {
dictionary: tagDictionary,
baseTagLength: 2,
baseLengthTlvLength: 1,
customByteLengths: [
startByte: "81",
nextByteLengthDefine: 1
startByte: "82",
nextByteLengthDefine: 2
startByte: "83",
nextByteLengthDefine: 3
const str = "000204000000000003010200a6820129000302300d"
const tlvParser = new NodeCustomTlv(settings)
const result = tlvParser.parseTlv(str) // { hoddog: 0, chickensLevel: { hotDogPort: 12301 } }
- "customByteLengths" - "startBite: "81" and nextByteLengthDefine: 1 means that when length bytes started with "81", the true value.length will be in next 1 byte:
00 0d 81 b6 2f 76 61 72 2f 6c 6f 67 2f 76 6f 6d 62 61 74 2f 74 6c 73 ...
000d- tag 81 b6 - in one byte "b6" we have length of value. 182 bytes.
Test coverage || покрытие тестов
- coverage is 97.8%
- to run tests:
- npm i
npm run test -
4 years ago