0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

node-dependency-manager v0.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Node Dependency Manager

This little command line tool is a work in progress !!!

This tool is suppose to help node js developers to easily manage dependencies. Those that are in actual use and those that are not. Currently the tool will print out all the packages that are saved in your package.json file, and are not in use and it will show which dependencies are required in your scripts but are not saved in package.json

Note that this tool will ignore any require lines that are inside comments.

Latest updates can be found in commits.

This package requires a Node version of 0.12 and later

How to start using the npm:

You can either install from npm and use it globaly:

npm install -g node-dependency-manager

managdedep <path>

or you can just clone this repository and use it like this:

node index.js <path>

Note: Path is optional if not entered will work on current folder


-e / --error Get only error logs (Note that resuts are also written as errors)

-l / --log Write logs to file

Folders and files input examples:

Example for inputing folders:


If nothing was entered will use default folders(controllers, routes, models)

Example for inputing files:


If nothing was entered will use default files(index.js, app.js)

Packages in use: 1. Commander 2. Prompt 3. Colors 4. Winston 5. builtin-modules

Note: If you have any suggestions or bug reports don't hesitate to add them to the issues in github and I will look at them and see what I can do.

Known issues:

  • Input sometimes get skipped (This is an issue in prompt please see issue #131)