node-dockerfile v0.7.1
A small library for programmatic generation of Dockerfiles using Node.
Node-dockerfile allows you to dynamically create Dockerfile files.
This library was designed to allow us to dynamically create docker images to assist deployment automation.
Written in TypeScript by Carl Winkler
npm install node-dockerfile --save
Example usage
import { Builder } from 'node-dockerfile'
const dockerfile = new Builder();
// Let's just add in a bunch of funky commands for a bit of fun
{ key: 'NODE_ENV', value: 'developlement' },
{ key: 'APP_ENV', value: 'dev' }
.comment("Clone and install dockerfile")
"apt-get install -y git",
"git clone /code/node-dockerfile"
.run(["cd /code/node-dockerfile", "npm install"]);
.run("npm install -g http-server")
.env('NODE_ENV', 'production')
// .write takes a callback which takes 'error' and 'content'.
// Content being the content of the generated filed.
const cb = function(err, content) {
if (err) console.log("Failed to write: %s", err);
else console.log("Successfully wrote the dockerfile!");
// .write takes 3 arguments: 'location', 'replaceExisting' and the callback above.
dockerfile.write(".", true, cb);
// If all goes well...
// Console: >> 'Successfully wrote to dockerfile!'
from(image: string)
// FROM ubuntu:latest
maintainer(maintainerName: string)
dockerfile.maintainer("Carl Winkler");
// MAINTAINER Carl Winkler
run(instructions: string|string[])"apt-get intall -y curl");
// RUN apt-get install -y curl
// We can create multi-line run commands[
"apt-get install -y git",
"git clone"
* RUN apt-get install -y git \
* && git clone
comment(comment: string) Adds a comment to the file
dockerfile.comment("This is a comment");
// # This is a comment
newLine() Adds a new line to the Dockerfile -- purely cosmetic
cmd(instructions: string|string[])
dockerfile.cmd("node --harmony index.js");
// CMD node --harmony index.js
dockerfile.cmd(["node", "--harmony", "index.js"]);
// '["node", "--harmony", "index.js"]'
label(key: string, label: string)
dockerfile.label("someLabel", "someValue");
// LABEL someLabel=someValue
expose(port: number)
// EXPOSE 8080
arg(key: string, value: string)
dockerfile.arg("user", "docker");
// ARG user=docker
envs(pairs: Array<{ key: string, value: string }>)
{ key: "DOCKER_CERT_PATH", value: "/root/.docker/" },
{ key: "NODE_ENV", value: "DEVELOPMENT" }
// ENV DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/root/.docker/" \ NODE_ENV="development"
env(key: string, value: string)
dockerfile.env("DOCKER_CERT_PATH", "/root/.docker/");
// ENV DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/root/.docker/"
add(source: string, destination: string)
dockerfile.add("hom*", "/mydir");
// ADD hom* /mydir/
copy(source: string, destination: string)
// current working directory: /home/carl/projects/node-dockerfile
var dynamicPath = path.resolve("../my-library"); // /home/carl/projects/my-library
dockerfile.copy(dynamicPath, "/code/my-library");
// COPY /home/carl/projects/my-library /code/my-library
entryPoint(instructions: string|string[])
dockerfile.entryPoint("top -b");
// ENTRYPOINT top -b
// ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"]
volume(volume: string)
// VOLUME /some/volume
workDir(path: string)
// WORKDIR /some/volume
user(user: string)
// USER carl
onBuild(instructions: string)
dockerfile.onBuild("ADD . /app/src");
// ONBUILD ADD . /app/src
write(writeLocation: string, replaceExisting: boolean, callback: (error, content) => void))
dockerfile.write("../my-image", true, function(err, content) {
if (err) doSomethingElse();
else doSuccessFunction();
var fs = require('fs');
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