3.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

node-fs-diff v3.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


This project is no longer maintained

Difference engine for the filesystem. Basically analyses a folder and reports which files have either been added, removed or changed.

npm install node-fs-diff --save
var fsDiff = require( 'node-fs-diff' );

var result = fsDiff( '/var/my_input_directory', {}, // this is the JSON manifest - empty for the first use, result.manifest should be passed in for future calls
				maxRecurseDepth: 2,	// Maximum directory depth it will traverse
				fileExtensions: [ ".png" ], // file extensions filter
				skipDirectoryContentsOnAddRemove: false, // Default behaviour is when encountering a new folder, mark every file within as an added file. This changes that behaviour and only adds the directory to the change list
				forceAddAll: false // forceAddAll treat manifest as empty and mark all existing files as added
			} );

result.manifest - This it the JSON blob that maintains the list of files and their state. The user should not use this object directly. This object can be passed as a parameter to subsequent calls to fsDiff() and it will return the difference between the existing state and the provided manifest.

result.report - Contains all the changed files in the following format:

files: {
	added: [], // array of files added
	modified: [], // array of files modified
	removed: [] // array of files removed
dirs: {
	added: [], // array of directories added
	removed: [] // array of directories removed
totalChanges: 0, // total number of files & directories that have been marked as changed
root: {} // JSON object that mirrors the directory structure and the state of each file / directory within.

5 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago