1.2.1 • Published 5 years ago

node-gocardless-billin v1.2.1

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5 years ago

GoCardless Node.js Library

Supports the redirection flow API at the time of writing.

Simple steps

  1. Instantiate GoCardless with your access_token.
  2. Create a redirection flow
  3. User fills in information on GoCardless
  4. User is redirected to your success_url
  5. Complete redirection flow

1. Instantiate GoCardless

var GoCardless = require('GoCardless');

var config = {
	sandbox: true, //optional

var goCardless = new GoCardless(config);

2. Create a redirection flow

var description = 'optional description';
var sessionToken = 'userSessionToken';
var successUrl = 'http://example.com/gocardless/success';

goCardless.startRedirectFlow(description, sessionToken, successUrl)
	.then(function (response){

this logs :

{ redirect_flows: 
   { id: 'RE00001VVBSW46DZSK57ZKK7V654C6T3',
     description: 'optional description', // can be null
     session_token: 'userSessionToken',
     scheme: null,
     success_redirect_url: 'http://example.com/gocardless/success',
     created_at: '2015-10-23T13:52:42.921Z',
     links: { creditor: 'CR00003Q16V7D3' },
     redirect_url: 'https://pay-sandbox.gocardless.com/flow/RE00001VVBSW46DZSK57ZKK7V754C6T3' } }

5. Complete redirection flow

Once the user has finished entering his information on the GoCardless website, he will be redirected to the success_redirect_url with the redirect_flow_id as a query parameter.

At this point, you must complete the mandate creation process by calling completeRedirectionFlow.

goCardless.completeRedirectFlow(req.query.redirect_flow_id, sessionId)
		.then(function (response){

this will log :

    "redirect_flows": {
        "id": "RE00001VVBSW46DZSK57ZKK7V564C6T3",
        "description": "optional description",
        "session_token": "userSessionToken",
        "scheme": null,
        "success_redirect_url": "http://example.com/gocardless/success",
        "created_at": "2015-10-23T13:52:42.921Z",
        "links": {
            "creditor": "CR00002Q17V7D5",
            "mandate": "MD0000AW8TF1K9",
            "customer": "CU0000CSEVM5FQ",
            "customer_bank_account": "BA0000AMYWF8MK"