2.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

node-hangups v2.0.0

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7 years ago

Requires node >= 7

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Client library for Google Hangouts in build for NodeJS.


Port of https://github.com/tdryer/hangups to node js.

I take no credit for the excellent work of Tom Dryer putting together the original python client library for Google Hangouts.

The library is rather new and needs more tests, error handling etc.


$ npm install node-hangups --save

The client is started with connect() passing callback function for a promise for a login object containing the credentials.

Example usage

const Hangups = require('node-hangups');

// callback to get promise for creds using stdin. this in turn
// means the user must fire up their browser and get the
// requested token.
const creds = () => ({
	auth: Client.authStdin

const client = new Hangups()

// receive chat message events
client.on('chat_message', evt => {

// connect and post a message.
// the id is a conversation id.
client.connect(creds).then(() => {
    client.sendchatmessage('UgzJilj2Tg_oqkAaABAQ', [[0, 'Hello World']])

Long running sessions / reconnect

hangups will not try to keep the connection open endlessly. The push channel has some reconnect logic, but it will eventually back off with a connect_failed event.

additionally the client also monitors activity. the push channel receives events at least every 20-30 seconds, if there are no chat events, we get a noop.

after a successful connect(), the client monitors the channel to ensure we receive any event at least every 45 seconds. if 45 seconds passes and the push channel got nothing, the client stops with a connect_failed event.


To construct a client that just doesn't give up we do:

function reconnect() {
    client.connect(creds).then(() => {
        // we are now connected. a `connected`
        // event was emitted.

// whenever it fails, we try again
client.on('connect_failed', () => {
    setTimeout(reconnect, 3000)

// start connection


High Level API

High level API calls that are not doing direct hangouts calls.


connect: (creds)

Attempts to connect the client to hangouts. See isInited for the steps that connects the client. Returns a promise for connection. The promise only resolves when init is completed. On the connected event.

creds: is callback that returns a promise for login creds. The creds are either {creds:-><promise for token>} or {cookies:<array of strings or tough-cookie-jar>}


To login using an email/password combo, you need to login using OAuth and provide the access token to the API. Furthermore it uses a google white listed OAuth CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET that shows up as "iOS Device" in your accounts page.

This is the login URL, also available as Client.OAUTH2_LOGIN_URL.


The library provides a stdin-method that requests the token.

let creds = () => ({auth: Client.authStdin})

client.connect(creds).then(() => { /* and so on */ })

The other way to log in is to provide a string array of cookies for the google.com domain that are set up as part of a successful login.

Typically these cookies are called: NID, SID, HSID, SSID, APISID, SAPISID


let creds = () => ({
	cookies: [
	    'NID=67=QI6go9WM<redacted>WDFxv; Expires=Wed, 04 Nov 2015 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/; HttpOnly'
	    'SID=DASDPgAAA<redacted>AKJASKJD; Expires=Thu, 04 May 2017 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/'
	    'HSID=AR<redacted>QX_; Expires=Thu, 04 May 2017 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/; HttpOnly; Priority=HIGH'
	    'SSID=Ak<redacted>D; Expires=Thu, 04 May 2017 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; Priority=HIGH'
	    'APISID=kM<redacted>seXb; Expires=Thu, 04 May 2017 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/; Priority=HIGH'
	    'SAPISID=cl<redacted>Od; Expires=Thu, 04 May 2017 06:10:24 GMT; Domain=google.com; Path=/; Secure; Priority=HIGH'

client.connect(creds).then(() => { /* and so on */ })



Disconnects the client.


logout: ()

Logs the current client out by removing refresh token and cached cookies.



Helper to compose message segments that goes into sendchatmessage. The builder has these methods.


let bld = new Client.MessageBuilder()
let segments = bld.text('Hello ').bold('World').text('!!!').toSegments()
client.sendchatmessage(conversationId, segments)

(txt, bold=false, italic=false, strikethrough=false, underline=false, href=null)

Adds a text segment.


Adds a text segment in bold.


Adds a text segment in italic.


Adds a text segment strikethroughed.


Adds an underlined text segment.


Adds a new line.

builder.link(txt, href)

Adds a text that is a link.


Turns the builder into an array of segments usable for sendChatMessage.

Low Level API

Each API call does a direct operation against hangouts. Each call returns a promise for the result.


client.sendChatMessage(conversationId, segments, image_id,
	otr_status, client_generated_id, delivery_medium, attachment)

Send a chat message to a conversation.

conversationId: the conversation to send a message to.

segments: array of segments to send. See messagebuilder for help.

image_id: is an optional ID of an image retrieved from uploadimage. If provided, the image will be attached to the # message.

otr_status: determines whether the message will be saved in the server's chat history. Note that the OTR status of the conversation is irrelevant, clients may send messages with whatever OTR status they like. One of Client.OffTheRecordStatus.OFF_THE_RECORD or Client.OffTheRecordStatus.ON_THE_RECORD.

client_generated_id is an identifier that is kept in the event both in the result of this call and the following chat_event. it can be used to tie together a client send with the update from the server. The default is null which makes the client generate a random id.

delivery_medium: determines via which medium the message will be delivered. If caller does not specify value we pick the value BABEL to ensure the message is delivered via default medium. In fact the caller should retrieve current conversation's default delivery medium from self_conversation_state.delivery_medium_option when calling to ensure the message is delivered back to the conversation on same medium always.


client.setActiveClient(active, timeoutsecs)

The active client receives notifications. This marks the client as active.

active: boolean indicating active state

timeoutsecs: the length of active in seconds.



List all events occuring at or after timestamp. Timestamp can be a date or long millis.

timestamp: date instance specifying the time after which to return all events occuring in.



Return information about your account.


setConversationNotificationLevel(conversationId, level).then(result)

Set the notification level of a conversation.

Pass Client.NotificationLevel.QUIET to disable notifications, or Client.NotificationLevel.RING to enable them.



Set focus (occurs whenever you give focus to a client).

conversationId: the conversation you are focusing.


setTyping(conversationId, typing=TypingStatus.TYPING)

Send typing notification.

conversationId: the conversation you want to send typing notification for.

typing: constant indicating typing status. One of Client.TypingStatus.TYPING, Client.TypingStatus.PAUSED or Client.TypingStatus.STOPPED


setpresence(online, [, mood])

Set the presence or mood of this client.

online: boolean indicating whether client is online.

mood: emoticon UTF-8 smiley like 0x1f603



Check someone's presence status.

chatId: the identifer of the user to check.



Remove self from chat.

conversationId: the conversation to remove self from.



Delete one-to-one conversation.

conversationId: the conversation to delete.


updateWatermark(conversationId, timestamp)

Update the watermark (read timestamp) for a conversation.

conversationId: the conversation to update the read timestamp for.

timestamp: the date or long millis to set as read timestamp.


addUser(conversationId, chatIds)

Add user(s) to existing conversation.

conversationId: the conversation to add user(s) to.

chatIds: array of user chat_ids to add.


renameConversation(conversationId, name)

Set the name of a conversation.

conversationId: the conversation to change.

name: the name to change to.


createConversation(chatIds, [, forceGroup=false])

Create a new conversation.

chatIds: is an array of chat_id which should be invited to conversation (except yourself).

forceGroup: set to true if you invite just one chat_id, but still want a group.

The new conversation ID is returned as res.conversation.id.id


getConversation(conversationId, timestamp [, maxEvents=50])

Return conversation events.

This is mainly used for retrieving conversation scrollback. Events occurring before timestamp are returned, in order from oldest to newest.

conversationId: the conversation to get events in.

timestamp: the timestamp as long millis or date to get events before.

maxEvents: number of events to retrieve.



List the contents of recent conversations, including messages. Similar to syncallnewevents, but appears to return a limited number of conversations (20) rather than all conversations in a given date range.


searchentities(searchString [, maxResults=10])

Search for people.

searchString: string to look for.

maxResults: number of results to return.



Return information about a list of chat_ids.

chatIds: array of user chat ids to get information for.


sendEasterEgg(conversationId, easteregg)

Send an easteregg to a conversation.

conversationId: conversation to bother.

easteregg: may not be empty. could be one of 'ponies', 'pitchforks', 'bikeshed', 'shydino'


uploadImage(path [, filename=null, timeout=30000])

Uploads an image that can be later attached to a chat message.

imagefile is a string path

filename can optionally be provided otherwise the path name is used.

timeout can be used to upload larger images, that may need more than 30 sec to be sent

returns an image_id that can be used in sendchatmessage.


The following events are available on the Client object. Example:

client.on('chat_message', msg => {

State events


When someone calls client.connect() and it indicates we are trying to connect the client.


When the client is fully inited and connected.

connect_failed (err)

Indicates that the client connection either didn't start or was interrupted. Either way, the client will not try to connect again by itself. Another client.connect is required.

Emitted in three cases.

  1. After connecting (in client.connect()) indicating that the client could not connect at all.

  2. After connected when running the polling (server push channel) successfully, but is interrupted (such as lost network connection).

  3. If the server push channel receives no events after 45 seconds (server emits at least noop every 20-30 seconds).

Chat events


On a received chat message.


Whenever an update about the conversation itself is needed. Like when a new conversation is created, this event comes first with the metadata about it.

The conversation state is stored in self_conversation_state of the event. The self_conversation_state.delivery_medium_option contains an array of the delivery medium options which indicate all possible medium. The array element with current_default == true should be the one used to send message via by default. Currently there are 3 types of known medium, BABEL, Google Voice and SMS. BABEL is the Google Hangouts codename BTW.


Member joining/leaving conversation.


On a renamed conversation.


When a user focuses a conversation.


On changes to video/audio calls. A "hangout" is in google API talk strictly a video/audio event. START_HANGOUT and END_HANGOUT would indicate attempts to start/end audio/video events.


When a user is typing.


When a user updates their read timestamp.


When user changes the notification level of his own conversation. I.e. setConversationNotificationLevel.


When anyone in the conversation triggers an easter egg.


When a conversation is deleted by the user. As a response to deleteconversation.