node-inflect v1.0.1
inflect.js is a port of the functionality from Ruby on Rails' Active Support inflection classes into Javascript
inflect.pluralize(String , locale) -> "box" -> "boxes"
inflect.singularize(String , locale) -> "boxes" -> "box"
inflect.camelize(String , lowFirstLetter) -> "hello_world" -> "HelloWorld"
inflect.underscore(String) -> "HelloWorld" -> "hello_world"
inflect.dasherize(String) -> "hello_world" -> "hello-world"
inflect.humanize(String) -> "box_id" -> "Box"
inflect.titleize(String) -> "title.of_the/app" -> "Title Of The App"
inflect.tableize(String , locale) -> "Box" -> "boxes"
inflect.classify(String , locale) -> "boxes" -> "Box"
inflect.demodulize(String) -> "Module::Name/file" -> file
inflect.foreignKey(String , key , lowFirstLetter) -> returns string_key || stringKey || StringKey
inflect.constantize(String) -> dives into directories looking for module, excludes node_modules in search
inflect.ordinal(Number) -> st, nd, rd, th
inflect.ordinalize(Number) -> 1st, 2nd, 3nd,
var en = inflect.inflections("en"); //returns "en" Inflector or creates new if not defined
en.plural(rule, replacement);
en.singular(rule, replacement);
en.irregular(singular, plural);