0.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

node-messenger-platform v0.0.4

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9 years ago

#Facebook Messenger Platform

Node Facebook Messanger Platform adapter built with promises.
Write your best chat bot using best async techology!


npm install -S node-messenger-platform


There are two types of usage this node module:

  const FBPlatform = require('node-messanger-platform')
  // stateless usage
  FBPlatform.send(token, {id: '123'}, {text: 'hello'})
  FBPlatform.sendImage(token, recipient, message, notificationType)
  // or statefull usage
  const Bot = FBPlatform.Bot(token)
  Bot.send(recipient, message, notificationType)

##API Reference


Statefull class for fb messanger platform usage. Stores token in object.

new Bot(token)

Creates an instance of FBPlatform bot using token.

.send(token, recipient, message, notificationType)

Sending message using token to recipient.

Returns: Promise
See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference#request

tokenStringFacebook Messanger Platform token.
recipientObjectRecipient object with id or phone_number fields
messageObjectAny message object from documentation. message is required property
notificationTypeStringNotification type. Default REGULAR

.sendImage(token, recipient, url, notificationType)

Sending images using token to recipient.

Returns: Promise
See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference#request

tokenStringFacebook Messanger Platform token.
recipientObjectRecipient object with id or phone_number fields
urlStringImage url that you want to send.
notificationTypeStringNotification type. Default REGULAR