0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

node-mscs-face v0.1.1

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Last release
7 years ago


A javascript wrapper for Microsoft Cognitive Services' Face API.

This module is not affiliated to Microsoft in any way.

Easy to start using

This module is based off a wrapper wrote for Microsoft Cognitive Services' Face API duing a major school project. It exposes the services provided by Face API into a set of functions that can be easily invoked in your Node.js project.

// Require the module
const FaceApi = require('node-mscs-face');

// Pass in your Face API subscription key and your Face API's region to get started
var faceApi = new FaceApi('faceapi_subscription_key', 'region');

Table of contents

Services that are being wrapped for Face API are stated in the table of contents above, everything else is work in progress. For Face API documentation, please refer to Microsoft's Cognitive Services' Face API References.


Currently, this module supports West US (WUS), East US 2 (EUS2), West Central US (WCUS), West Europe (WEU), South East Asia (SEA) as modelled after Cognitive Services' offerings. Pass in the respective region code as listed above to your Face API constructor to get started.

// Pass in the region code to constructor
var faceApi = new FaceApi('faceapi_subscription_key', 'SEA'); // WUS, EUS2, WCUS, WEU & SEA are available


The detect function takes in an image in a format suitable for an octet-stream and resolves an array of objects containing FaceIds and Face Rectangles of detected faces. If no faces are detected, an error will return.

    .then((faceInfo) => {
        // Resolves faceInfo, an array
        faceInfo.forEach((detectedFace) => {
            // A single instance in faceInfo contains a faceId and faceRectangle
        }, this);
    .catch((err) => {
        // If no faces are detected, an error will be returned
        // An error can occur too if an incorrect/invalid Face API subscription key or any other incorrect parameters is provided. 
        // For more information on the kind of errors that Microsoft's Face API returns, please refer to https://westus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/563879b61984550e40cbbe8d/operations/563879b61984550f30395236

Documentation will be subsequently updated.