1.1.3 • Published 3 years ago
node-mysql-migrate v1.1.3
Public project to perform migrations on mysql database.
How to run
- First step, install the dependency for your project. To make it, to do this you have to run this command:
npm install node-mysql-migrate
Obs: You need install mysql dependency too.
- Create your migrations, example below:
import { createTable } from 'node-mysql-migrate'
export default function users(){
tableName: 'users',
fields: [
name: 'id',
type: 'INT',
pk: true,
isNull: false,
increment: true
name: 'fullname',
type: 'VARCHAR(255)',
isNull: false
name: 'email',
type: 'VARCHAR(255)',
isNull: false
name: 'password',
type: 'VARCHAR(255)',
isNull: false
name: 'typeAccess_id',
type: 'INT',
fk: {
tableName: 'typeAccess',
fieldName: 'id'
isNull: false
name: 'created_at',
type: 'DATETIME',
default: 'NOW()',
isNull: false
- Create the migration data source, example below:
import MigrationDataSource from 'node-mysql-migrate'
import users from './migrations/users'
import typeAccess from './migrations/typeAccess'
export default new MigrationDataSource({
db_config: {
host : '...yourHost',
port : 3306, //your port
user : '...yourUser',
password : '...yourPass',
database : '...yourDatabase',
migrations: [users, typeAccess]
Obs: In the 'migrations' field you must add your migrations.
That's all folks.