1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago
node-red-contrib-gpt-engineer-api v1.0.1
General note
This node is a wrapper allowing to interact with separate gpt-engineer installation through ssh connection and cli commands.
- your own openai API key
- separate gpt-engineer installation with ssh server (may be on different server form the node-red server)
docker build -t mygptengineer ./docker/ --load
docker-compose up -d
you can now connect to gpt-engineer withssh sshuser@localhost -p 2222
- or if you are checking connection from docker container
ssh sshuser@gpt-engineer -p 22
to run gpt-engineer locally you can now use docker run -it --rm -e OPENAI_API_KEY="YOUR OPENAI KEY" -v ./your-project:/project gpt-engineer
payload.topic - 'prompt' | 'response'
- means initial prompt to be placed in prompt file that gpt-engineer expectsresponse
- means that current message is ment as response to gpt-engineer interactive question
- in case of topic = prompt, the payload.value should contain the prompt string
- in case of topic = response, the payload.value should contain the cli question text response
- string containing unique project name, as the files will be generated on the gpt-engineer server
try using example
- this node is not meant to be used on shared hosting, or shared node-red environments, it may leave openai key in plain text in gpt-engineer server logs as this uses cli to execute gpt-engineer