0.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

node-red-contrib-intersystems-iris v0.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago


Node-RED node for InterSystems IRIS


Either use the Node-RED Menu - Manage Palette - Install, or run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red

npm i node-red-contrib-intersystems-iris


Allows basic access to a InterSystems IRIS database.

This node uses the sql operation against the configured database.

By its very nature it allows SQL injection... so be careful out there...

The msg.topic must hold the query for the database, and the result is returned in msg.payload.

Typically the returned payload will be an array of the result rows.

It does not support paramaterized queries, yet.

msg.topic="INSERT INTO \"users\" (\"userid\", \"username\") VALUES ('36', 'some-user')"
return msg;
msg.topic="SELECT \"userid\", \"username\" FROM \"users\""
return msg;


To run own version of demo, it is possible to use docker compose. Just do

docker compose up --build -d

And after build and start, open link to Node-RED portal http://localhost:1880/

Demo flow file for manual installation is available here

SQL Flow

Production flow

Production flow

And dynamically updated Dashboard, which is avialable by link http://localhost:1880/ui/ Production dashboard