node-red-contrib-iotgemini v1.0.23
These simple nodes help to control an IOTGEMINI network of peripherals through Node-Red! For more instruction visit:
On the terminal run the following command to install IOTGEMINI nodes:
npm install node-red-contrib-iotgemini
now you need also the RFPI service (this get the commands from the nodes and apply it), so go ahead with these commands:
git clone git://
cd ./rfpi
sudo bash
Follow the instruction! The will also install a WEB GUI, that allow the user to install easily a new peripheral into the IOT network!
As soon you have installed a peripherals you are now able to control it with these nodes!
set_out: Name: any name that you want! Address: you should see into the WEB GUI the address of the peripheral that you want control. Example: 0001 ID Output: the peripheral you installed probably has more than one output, thus just state the ID of the output you want control, strating from 0 Input msg.payload = TRUE or FALSE
json_input: This node return a json containing all status and descriptions of all pheriperals linked to the network! Input msg.payload = TRUE (it return in output the json with all peripherals linked) Output msg.payload = json with all data
command: Name: any name that you want! Address: give an address if you use command like REFRESH. If you want refresh all peripherals then write ALL instead of the address Command: choose the command you want run! FIND: it start to search if there is a new periperal to install REFRESH: it refresh all status of the peripheral specified by address. DELETE: it delete a peripheral specified by the field Address. Input msg.payload = TRUE
set_rgb: Name: any name that you want! Address: give the address of the peripheral that has the RGB shield. Input msg.payload = Red_hex_byte Green_hex_byte Blue_hex_byte. Example: FF00FF (that turn on red and blue and green is off)
get_in: Name: any name that you want! Address: you should see into the WEB GUI the address of the peripheral that you want control. Example: 0001 ID input: the peripheral you installed probably has more than one input, thus just state the ID of the input you want get the value, strating from 0 Input type: select what kind of input it is to then get in Output a value already converted Input msg.payload = give the json file linking the output of the node json_input Output msg.payload: return the value of the input selected
get_out: Name: any name that you want! Address: you should see into the WEB GUI the address of the peripheral that you want control. Example: 0001 ID output: the peripheral you installed probably has more than one output, thus just state the ID of the output you want get the status, strating from 0 Input msg.payload = give the json file linking the output of the node json_input Output msg.payload: return the value of the output selected
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