1.0.2 • Published 1 year ago
node-red-contrib-mime-generator v1.0.2
RFC 2822 compliant raw email message generator for node-red
Inspired and based on the awesome @muratgozel's MIMEText library.
Supports plain text, HTML and AMP contents. Attachments support not implemented yet.
Configure the node
Double click the node and fill all fields
It expects a payload with an object containing the desired content-types, example:
"text/plain": "This is my awesome email message",
"text/html": "This is my awesome <b>HTML</b> email message"
Message (msg) properties supported
property | description | type | example |
subject | the subject for the e-mail message | string | "My Awesome Subject" |
from | from email address | single string | "Victor \victoralmaraz@github.com" |
to | to email address(es) | array of strings or single string | "contact@email.com" |
cc | cc email address(es) | array of strings or single string | "another@email.com", "another2@email.com" |
bcc | bcc email address(es) | array of strings or single string | "yetanother@email.com" |
It returns the raw RFC 2822 email message
<add example here>