node-red-contrib-sm-8inputs v1.0.1
This is the node-red node to control Sequent Microsystems Eight Universal Inputs 8-Layer Stackable HAT for Raspberry Pi.
Manual Install
Clone or update the repository, follow the instrutions fron the first page.
In your node-red user directory, tipicaly ~/.node-red,
~$ cd ~/.node-red
Run the fallowing command:
~/.node-red$ npm install ~/8inputs-rpi/node-red-contrib-sm-8inputs
In order to see the node in the palette and use-it you need to restart node-red. If you run node-red as a service:
~$ node-red-stop
~& node-red-start
After install and restart the node-red you will see on the node palete, under Sequent Microsystems category the fallowing node:
This node reads the status of a optically isolated input.
The card stack level and input channel number can be set in the dialog screen or dinamicaly thru msg.stack
This node will output the state of one input channel if the channel number is 1..8 or the state of all inputs if the channel number is 0
Important note
This node is using the I2C-bus package from @fivdi, you can visit his work on github here. The inspiration for this node came from @nielsnl68 work with node-red-contrib-i2c.Thank both for the great job.
4 years ago