node-rtorrent-client v0.2.0
A versatile NodeJS rTorrent client which can utilise SCGI and XMLRPC via HTTP and HTTPS.
A brand new, easy to use rTorrent client for NodeJS applications, written using ECMAScript for asynchronous communication with a rTorrent server via direct SCGI (socket or TCP), or XMLRPC (HTTP or HTTPS), supporting authentication.
npm install node-rtorrent-client
For ECMAScript applications:
import { Client } from 'node-rtorrent-client'
const options = {
mode : scgi, /* Either xmlrpc or scgi (default) */
socket : "/path/to/rtorrent.sock", /* If utilising socket */
host : "hostname", /* IP address or hostname for SCGI(TCP) or XMLRPC */
port : 1234, /* TCP port number for either SCGI(TCP) or XMLRPC */
ssl : true, /* Enable or disable SSL for XMLRPC */
username : "username", /* Username and password if require for XMLRPC */
password : "password"
/* Get a new client */
const client = new Client( options );
/* Test the connection */
await client.testConnection();
/* Send returns a promise, so either await or resolve else ways */
let methods = await client.system.listMethods()
/* Stop all active torrents through chaining commands */
await client.torrent.multicall( 'active' )
/* Get the name, hash and label for all torrents */
let result = await client.torrent.multiCall()
Responses make sense. Eg:
result = [
[ 'name1', 'hash1', 'label1' ],
[ 'name2', 'hash2', 'label2' ],
/* Set a label */
await client.torrent.setLabel( 'foobar', 'hashoftorrent' )
/* Start one torrent */
await client.torrent.start( 'hashoftorrent' )
More to come
The included cli.js script can be used for direct CLI access to rTorrent without being restricted to the interface.
For usage information, execute:
node cli.js --help
That should yield something like this:
rTorrent client
Runs remote procedure commands on the rTorrent server
$ node cli.js [options] -- command param1 param2...
-m, --mode string Connection mode, either scgi or xmlrpc
-h, --host string Host name or IP address for SCGI or XMLRPC
-p, --port number Port number for SCGI or XMLRPC
-a, --path string XMLRPC path
-u, --username string XMLRPC username (auth basic only)
-w, --password string XMLRPC password
-s, --socket file Socket path for SCGI
-?, --help Display this usage information
# To list all methods available via XMLRPC:
node cli.js -m xmlrpc -h -p 8080 -u username -w password -a /RPC2 -- system.listMethods
# To list all methods available via SCGI socket:
node cli.js -m scgi -w /tmp/rtorrent.sock -- system.listMethods
# To fetch the hash and label for each active torrent:
node cli.js -m xmlrpc -h -p 8080 -u username -w password -a /RPC2 -- d.multicall2 '' active d.hash= d.custom1=
Refer to rTorrent XMLRPC manual for more information about commands.
This software is likely full of bugs. Parts of it are completely untested, and much of the connection handling code has no test cases. Please feel free to contribute with pull requests.
XML encoding / decoding inspired by @kinabcd (node-rtorrent-scgi)
ISC, refer to LICENSE.txt