1.1.0 • Published 10 years ago
node-ruler v1.1.0
Ruler - You CAN do more!
Ruler can help you DO more with ACL.
Just call the Judge to decide if the user can access your resource.
var Ruler = require('ruler');
var Power = require('/sample/ability'); // This file is instead the sample folder on this project.
var person = {};
person.roles = ['admin'];
var acl = new Ruler(Power);
//Promise way...
// Promise me, this user is granted!
// the question: Judge, This PERSON can CREATE an USER?
acl.judge(person, 'create', 'user')
console.log('Yes, this PERSON can CREATE an USER');
console.log('No, this PERSON can\'t CREATE an USER');
// Callback way...
// When you return, tell me if this user is granted!
acl.judge(person, 'create', 'user', function(err, access){
console.log('Yes, this PERSON can CREATE an USER');
console.log('No, this PERSON can\'t CREATE an USER');